Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

“You should smile more while you are playing.” (I’m concentrating)
“I love that hymn, but it would be better if you sang the words,” (I don’t sing)
“You hardly ever play anything I know.” (Because I understand and respect copyright protection.)

I am a hobbyist, classical guitar player. I put up pieces on my FB page in an attempt to spread a little joy. If what I am doing doesn’t meet your needs, look elsewhere. Sheesh. Everyone’s a critic.

Why is having our mom host your entire family a nice way to honor her on mothers day?

When you asked me yesterday if you could move in for the foreseeable future because your roommate was making your life hellish I was glad I could provide you with a safe place to land. But I had thought you were finally going to be able to live on your own, and I am feeling stressed about having someone else around all the time even though I love you very much. I liked my space and privacy and was really enjoying it especially after you already lived here for 2 years after college. And your job dealing face to face with customers all day makes me nervous about social distancing, which I don’t think you totally get. More stress.

I am really worried about a couple of my friends in this time.

I spent a good part of Saturday cleaning the house to make it pleasant to wake up to on Sunday (my gift to myself ).

It’s nice that I’m not expected to do dishes, tidy up, sweep the floor or generally do housework on Mother’s Day… on the other hand, waking to the Sunday dishes piled up in the sink for (presumably) me to do Monday morning…not so much! ?

When will this spaceship land and on what planet will it land?

I already don’t have anyone in school and your words only proved to me that no one respects my decisions?
Just because I didn’t like my highschool experience doesn’t mean it was my fault and it doesn’t make it ok to keep trying to convince me that I’m depressed. Not everything is my fault, I’m not always for the negative, and it’s not my fault that there are a lot of bad people at my school!

You unfriended me because I shared my experience and people “shouldn’t complain.” I was on my, private/ friends only, social media page. Last I heard I could post what I wanted. I was sharing my experience and feelings. News flash - I’m allowed to have feelings!

It was very validating that similar experiences were lead stories in the USA Today, Forbes, and CBS. No wonder you are estranged from your entire family. You’re a judgmental jerk.

What an arrogant, obnoxious, mocking jerk.
Let’s add ignorant and offensive too.

Ugh, what is it with cable/internet going out every couple of days and having to be reset? So annoying.

Pot meet kettle.

Who knew that I was the type of person who when under extreme stress loses weight. My corona 10 will be in the negative column.

Its so funny when people think they are being talked about. Seems self focused.

I’ve moved from being in denial to being scared. I like denial better.

Nope, nope, nope. I will not be joining you and the group (15!) for our monthly luncheons that you have decided should resume just because our club restaurant is now open(ing slowly). I’ll be with you in spirit, but my body is paying attention to the health experts, not policymakers.

After a day mowing half a field with the other half left to come, I’m so glad we opted for a zero turn mower when our old one died last year!

As the aside that I won’t tell anyone else, I keep thinking I’m in a spaceship when I’m driving it. Fun ways for the brain to amuse itself I suppose.

Wow, Client-Who-Didn’t-Use-Me-for-Two-Years, I am SO happy you’re trying me again. I emailed you an invoice on Thursday and you had a check in the mail on Friday! I’m hoping that disastrous project (thanks, architect…) is put behind us for good.

You carry on about what a jerk XX is, and then act just like him. Yes, pot, meet kettle.

That yes, pot, meet kettle is not a reference to anything on this board

Sometimes people need to take responsibility for the choices they make, and not blame others