Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Great picture of you & several of your friends celebrating your birthday. You know, the one where you are standing right next to each other. And yes, I am being sarcastic. Once again, I am realizing how different I am from so many of my friends.

Some people think of how this affects others and some people think about this affects them!

Because I can’t respond to an earlier post but that’s how I think about weddings that are all about what the person getting married wants instead of thinking about merging 2 families. As I like to say, I’ve been married 30+ years. I get along with my in-laws but it’s compromise on both sides.

OMG, you are so obnoxious and holier-than-thou! It doesn’t look good on you. :unamused:

Some people are letting their true selves show thru
it’s not a pretty picture.

Really, HI Tax Dept? You don’t have a fax number so that we can send in the forms that YOU are requesting that you can’t find that were already filed with you in March. Oh, I can use your website that doesn’t allow me to choose a menu option that says we did indeed send you the original excise tax form and then this amended tax form, plus signing the letter you sent. OK, we are mailing all of those documents back to you. Thanks for confirming that you did receive our check, though you are holding it pending us sending in these documents. It would really be great if you had a fax number so we could send you the documents you can’t find that were previously filed with your office OR your online menu allowed us to choose that the form we filed was meant to be what it was filed as–an amended return! 1st world problems but honestly!

There is cloud computing, and there is apparently cloud living. Some people are so far removed from reality as if they exist on a cloud!!

Mom and Dad, at first we avoided you to protect you from possibly being exposed to this virus, even though we are staying home. But you never stopped going out all over town to every store and restaurant that is open. Now we are avoiding you to protect ourselves. Oh, and I got the email from your favorite casino saying they are opening soon. I’m sure you got the email, too. Please don’t go.

Great job increasing your retirement contribution to 20% and more.
You will be especially happy you listened to my advice when you are older.

I need some help. I keep pulling out my hair.

Disappointed that 1/3 of my fellow customers at the grocery store today chose not to wear a mask. I feel sorry for the grocery store workers who get stuck breathing in those folk’s air for hours on end.

That rule book you have been basing your advice on? You’ve got to toss it out. Seriously. The world has changed. The old tried-and-true presumptions are only the flimsiest of guidelines for the next things that are going to come.

Oh, my goodness, Uncle, I love you but your Facebook posts drive me nuts. I know it won’t make a difference what I post in response, so I’ve come up with a strategy. I type a response but then delete it before posting. Makes me feel better for some reason.

I know you will take heat for today’s opening, but I found it to be a nice touch in the midst of so much strife.

This is the part of the plot where a nice deus ex machina would be useful

Dr Bright and Mr. Bowen, thank you for your service.

Sometimes I wonder if people realize how offensive they are- especially on forums and other social media.

You, my dear, are why the stereotype exists. And, you my dear, keep proving its validity each and every day.

Boy that is a pretty high horse you’ve got.

I really don’t know if I can take two more months of your living here. And if you dare get upset when we remind you we expect you to pay for your part of the health insurance premium, I may lose it. You’re 25!

You’re right. Everyone else is stupid. You are a superior human being.