Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Can’t we all just get along? Why does everything have to be so polarized? If everyone could just look in the mirror. . . . . .

We had another family member die today (not C-19)… I hate that she died alone in the hospital. This has been a rough spring.

Well, the conversation went better than I expected and I’m happy you said you’d pay your part of the health insurance premium while you’re here, before I even brought up the subject. But you made it clear you won’t purchase insurance after you leave in July.

“I don’t want to blow my capital.”

“But, uh, you could blow your capital in one day if you end up in the hospital…”

“I just have a different philosophy than you and Dad when it comes to this stuff.”

“Uh, the hospital won’t care about your ‘philosophy’ when they send you a bill for $150,000 after they give you bloodclotting meds…”

We also made it abundantly clear that your father and I will NOT help you with medical costs in the future. Your two siblings heard us say it. If you don’t cover yourself, there will be consequences.

The hardest part was when you let us know how horrible it was in our house while you were in high school and how you do NOT want to be here. So it’s OK for you to say that, but if we do, we’re terrible? You really hurt your father. :frowning: I don’t really give a flip because I don’t expect much from you anymore.

I saw a husband and a wife walk into Home Depot. She was wearing a mask but he wasn’t. Am I crazy to think why bother wearing a mask when the person you are with won’t?

There are so many things I don’t get.

P.S. I was waiting in the car while only one of us went in, and he was wearing a mask

Either you respect science or you pay attention to Gwyneth Paltrow. There is no and. But if her posting is what it takes to get people to wear masks, I’m all for it.

I can’t say this anywhere but here, because you are my SIL … but you are an idiot. (There, I feel better.)

Med school lad, we’ve enjoyed spending all this extra time with you - the great silver lining to the pandemic when they sent you home to do online classes as they figured things out. May God watch over you as you return now. I’m so glad we had this last, perfect weather day to enjoy our family time together with all sorts of games both inside and outside.

On that note, it’s amazing that original Jarts have been so banned that you can’t even sell or give away originals… We’ve played them several times now since I inherited them from my mom and not a single injury. They’re quite fun. I suspect one needs a fair bit of alcohol or youth with them to make them dangerous and those make anything dangerous.

I’m a little worried about a voice here who seems to be absent. :frowning:

I miss a lot of you. That is all.

So worried about the students who have dropped off the radar since we went online. So proud of the positive attitude of many of those who have stuck with digital classes. Hoping that I’ll be able to have those in person conversations with next year’s class safely. Heck, I’d even welcome a department meeting these days!

You know that old saying about fish rotting from the head…?

Maybe I’m out of touch with reality but probably not a great idea to have your Dallas suburb wedding in your backyard with 50+ guests (friends and family) while we are currently in a pandemic…

I’m glad we have avoided fighting about money, so far.

It is all I can do while waiting in line at the store to not open my mouth (underneath my mask) and ask the person behind or in front of me why they don’t feel the need to wear a mask. I mean WHY. I want to hear your reason/reasoning.

Just watching a video posted on Facebook in Texas of an automobile parade for 2020 graduates of the local high school. We did that too in my neighborhood where the graduates were in cars decorated and driving down the street and honking and residents stood on the front yard waving congrats. But in the Texas video, all the graduates were standing in their gowns together (very large high school) no masks, all hanging out in the parking lot of the high school (or so it appeared) as the neighborhood cars drove by honking and waving at them? So very backwards to me. And what is the purpose of not having a graduation if you aren’t social distancing and you aren’t wearing masks, and aren’t following any of the CDC guidelines, just have the dadgum graduation!

Thank you to the independent game shop owner who recommended 7 Wonders to us for H’s birthday gift.

We couldn’t shop or test out the game at your place due to Covid, but when we told you we liked Sushi Go Party you came up with this one. After just one play we’ve all given it 5 stars (out of 5)!

So glad we called and asked you, then did curbside pickup. Beats time spent online searching for something that could work and letting local business die. There appear to be several versions, so I sense future birthday and Christmas gifts for various family members. We’ll ask you about them first though - helps to have an expert at various games looking out for our best interest.

It bugs me when people use this thread to kvetch about other posters. I guess I wouldn’t mind if it weren’t so obvious. I know what you think already, that’s obvious too, no need to beat a dead horse. Let it rest in peace already.

The bat box H and youngest built a couple years ago now has 12 residents!!! Youngest sat out to watch them leave last night and counted. Maybe tonight I’ll join him to watch our very, very mini Carlsbad experience. I know we’ll all appreciate fewer mosquitoes. I think I’ll suggest they make a second and perhaps third box.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: I agree with @greenwitch. Please don’t use this thread to vent about other users. It’s not cool.

Kittens are NOT allowed on the kitchen table - REALLY.
You are a persistent little thing, and brave too.