Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You make me so angry that you don’t even try to understand another’s point of view! Our country is in real danger from unchecked systemic racism!

Dear son, I understand that life is a struggle for you, but you have to move back to your apartment. You can’t continue to live with us.

If you need an ambulance they’ll gladly come help, but PLEASE let the dispatcher know that you’re living with people actively battling Covid-19. The time to reveal that information IS NOT in the back of the ambulance with my son… SMH

I tried to deposit my EIP Visa debit card at my local bank branch. They closed the local branch. They call me from the branch once a month to see how I am, but neglect to notify me in any way when they close.

I try the other bank in town that I use, that branch is also closed.

Then I try to do it online and the site keeps crashing.

The hospital my father is in no longer does COVID testing results in house, so he has to wait two days for a result (he already had 3 positive test and they won’t release him until he has 2 consecutive negative results). It has been way to long, he has bee “well” for 3 weeks now!

BAD DAY all around!

I gotta stop watching the news. It’s not good for my mental health.

Wow neighbor. You continue to be a complete ahole. If one of the sprinkler heads in our system possibly needs adjusting or whatever, a simple polite call or text to let us know would have been the neighborly thing to do. We have no windows on that side of the house.

Your claim that water in your driveway leaves it wet for “several days” is BS, that the surface of your 33 year old cracked cement driveway is “weakened” by water is ridiculous, that it has been going on for 10 years is a joke, and oh, by the way, you live DOWNHILL. Where do you expect water to go? We have called the sprinkler guy to come take a look at the zone and the heads. You found it “decent” to send a message privately rather than posting it on facebook? Maybe you should have so everyone in the neighborhood can see what a class A jerk you are. Oh, and BTW, your driveway looks terrible. They all settle and crack and need to be replaced. We just had ours done last year. Will be happy to give you the name of several good vendors who can replace it. Then again, I wouldnt wish you on any of them.

Oh, almost forgot, neighbor. We saw you/ your w. talking to the crew of our landscape service the other day. My DH happened to have texted the owner of the company that day b/c we were expecting aeration that day, and DH mentioned that he saw the truck out front but no one was in it and no one was at our house. The company owner was surprised b/c he said there was no truck scheduled to be at our house that morning. So apparently, neighbor, it seems you are trying to cut a side deal with his crew and cut out the owner, which is just wrong and smarmy, but no surprise. Wasn’t going to tell the company owner that, but , hmm… might have to rethink it. Oh, and by the way, I was just out watering the plants on my deck. Your driveway is bone dry. Whatever runoff there might have been from the sprinklers this morning is long gone. Your absurd exaggeration just makes you look stupid.

Wow, 2020 just continues to suck. You were so kind to support our son financially while he helped refugees in Lebanon. You even paid for him to come home one Christmas when we couldn’t swing it. You texted me often, writing things like, “How’s our boy? Does he need anything?” It was so reassuring to know that you were praying for S and thought so highly of him.

I just got an email that you were diagnosed with liver cancer a few weeks ago and passed away today. It really feels like a knife to my heart. We know you’re in a better place, but your sweet wife!! Argh.

It’s a good thing you turned off comments before they started. Let me guess: you don’t actually know any AA people in your neighborhood, let alone having any as your friends.
Your desire to “help” by accompanying runners, “protecting” them in grocery stores (because they’re wearing a mask?!), to be present if they have to call the police, is at best, tone deaf.
Your best attempt at “allyship” should be listen more, talk less.

(Even the anti-sex ed woman allows comments.)

Shaking my head.

I am just speechless, yet so full of what I want to say. Everything I want to say here cannot be said… so, just a moment of silence because I DO know that some others here are feeling the same thing at this terrible moment and that is some degree of comfort.

I want it to be safe for my daughter to go to the medical appointment she has today and not have to worry about protesters in her way.

Things are supposed to finally be opening up in her city and now she is stuck inside because of riots. All I want is for her to see and touch a friend or loved one in person.

You aren’t going to run a correction on that story, are you? It must have been too good to check.

Thank you for playing Toxic Needy Helpless Mom Bingo with me. I won, and I’m off to buy earrings!

I’m starting to believe we can no longer bridge the gap. Moral ethics and common decency can’t be absent from the equation.

What a circus! But you know what happens when…

If someone is stepping outside their comfort zone to learn or try something new, it’s counterproductive to shame them for not getting it perfectly and immediately. They’re going to be more helpful in the long run if they are challenged and encouraged to improve instead of being humiliated.

Thank you rioters for looting all the convenience stores in my daughter’s neighborhood so that she can’t get herself fresh milk. She now needs to find someplace within walking distance (can’t take the train due to the virus and doesn’t have a car). Some people live in the city and are just trying to get by with everything already upside down due to the pandemic!

A month or so ago, my son, 23, got a bonus and had the choice of getting gift certificates to spend, or having it donated, plus an additional amount, to a charity. He picked something associated with the CDC.
His birthday was recently, but he hadn’t figured out what he wanted for his present. Today he said he wanted me to donate the amount of his birthday present to Black Lives Matter. (Although he asked that I give him the money, because his company will match).
I hope I had something to do with his social consciousness.
I will give him a present in addition to the donation, but I’m proud of the choices he’s making.

I’m glad I chose to be part of the peaceful vigil last night. I am very proud of my community today. Still a long way to go, but it’s a start.

So sad for my friend whose SIL is a cop and was shot in the face and died yesterday morning when responding to a domestic violence call.