Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

The riots and looters have set back close to 30 years of changing FIL from a hard core racist (brought up that way) to a wonderful man of tolerance and respect for all people. I hope there’s at least a shred of recent him left to accept DIL as a normal person. I think there is. We can at least start over on the first step instead of at the beginning.

ps This is posted on this “no response thread” for a reason. I’m bummed. I want a place to vent my intense frustration, esp since I doubt he’s the only human the riots/looters have done this to. I don’t want to start any sort of war on cc.

Floyds funeral. A packed church. No social distancing.

So tell me again why other people’s funerals are limited to 10 and why church attendance has to be limited.

I hate double standards.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Yes, you wanted a haircut but when the barbers weren’t wearing masks - as required in order to reopen!!! - you stayed anyway. Now we have to quarantine from each other for 2 weeks in the house since you were an idiot. You have no idea where that barber’s been. And you’re the one going in for elective surgery in 2 weeks. See you then.

Just saw photos of peaceful protest in my D’s college town (which still has significant Corona cases), people were packed in like sardines. Although I understand the need to gather, it makes me sad that this might hinder the start of on campus life if the virus flares up again.

Not sure where to post this. After 3 weeks of positive COVID tests after being considered well, my father finally tested negative and will be released back to his assisted living facility. Free at last (over 6 long weeks in the hospital with a “mild” case of COVID).

Damn it autocorrect, it’s about time you stopped changing Kamala to Kampala in my texts. At least my kids think it’s funny. Senior problems.

UGH - after everything is in place the assisted living said they can’t accept my father back until Monday

We are keeping our mouths shut since you have not asked for our advice AND you are an adult.

But, are you sure this is the direction you want to go?

Love you. Trying not to worry.

It must be so hard to be an expert on everything. Always a response, no matter the topic.

Despite all this obvious greatness. You seem so unhappy with your life.

I suggest a nice walk or a chocolate sundae.

You still don’t get it. You post that it was wrong & that things need to change. Then you change your profile to something about how you wish we could go back to the good old days when you were young, when people were nicer to each other. You are in your late 60’s. Clearly, you do not understand what this is about.

It’s pe-o-ny, not pee-on-me. Cut it out.

Why must snark always be your first response? Are you trying to drive everyone away? Newsflash - it’s working.

Hmmm, the helicopter parented travel-team transported generation couldn’t figure out that if you plan a long protest march on a hot day you need to carry some water.

What I wish is that in addition to what is happening now, there had been 2 weeks straight of street protests all over the world after our children were murdered at Sandy Hook and at Parkland. Children’s lives should matter more than owning guns. Nothing has improved one iota. I don’t understand why not.

Alight covid I’ve had enough. You’ve taken away our ability to celebrate with our son at his commencement ceremony. You’ve taken away our planned celebration dinner at a 3 star Michelin restaurant.

I can tell you I may not be able to beat you by myself, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long life. Skills that make me a nightmare for anything that intends to spoil this special time.

So, I’ll take things into my own hands. I’m armed with the internet and a very fast connection, so right now I’m on an ordering binge not like any other. This time WILL be special!

This was posted here back on May 18th.

Ugh, your Eagle Scout ceremony was ten years ago today. It’s hard to think about how high you were flying. Things fell apart for you only a few months later. ?

The more I think about it the more annoyed I am. You asked me a simple question and I answered it with a fact and then you said “Are you sure?”.

Yes. I . Am. Sure.

Why are you questioning me? And why do men at work continue to do this?

I asked my husband if this happens to him at work. Uh…no.

Oops-hope edit works!

So I asked H what he wanted for Father’s Day, but really thinking food item. He remembered that the tall pole he got for his bird feeder last year is still in the box, so he probably didn’t need anything. Got that right! Card it is.