Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Is it wrong that I miss the Tony Awards? I had to watch some old Neil Patrick Harris intros to cheer me up.

Can’t understand why I can buy appliances at Home Depot, clothes at Walmart but can’t go to my local appliance store or retail shop on Main Street? Why can I hand cash to a cashier in supermarket, but not to a bank teller? Politicians are power hungry. NY Gov Cuomo, NY Mayor Diblasio & NJ Gov Murphy hold press conference every day. Enough already. Once per week is fine.?

No, Mom, you didn’t tell me you might have to have a pacemaker. But you did tell me more than once that you are going to make a wreath for your front door. Seems like the important things only come out in casual conversation.

You post a long explanation of why you unfriended the racist guy on Facebook. And act like it’s a total surprise to you that this man acts this way. But now that younger guys are screenshotting his posts, you’ve decided it’s time. It’s been well over 10 years that you knew who he is. And not just racism, but horrible sexual harassment towards young women in the music community. Of course, it’s young GUYS exposing this creep. And you are shocked, SHOCKED I tell you that this was going on.

Oooo, just as superior and entitled and know-it-all about this subject as others.

I’m so happy we got a dog. But honestly I wish we hadn’t gotten a puppy. Puppies are so hard and it makes me feel so old. I wasn’t great with infants either. It got so much better the older they got. I know I have to love this puppy girl through this but, man, I’m ready for the dog part.

Holy JP Morgan, that spider suddenly descending from the ceiling right in front of my computer screen made my heart race!!! It was not an innocent looking spider
 it ended in the spider burial plot aka downstairs toilet. Ugh. Working from the basement has its challenges. :slight_smile:

Well, at least you acknowledge you’ve been grumpy. It was sweet of you to buy a pressure washer for your Dad as an apology, but he’s not sure what he will do with it. ?

Who knew pizza was such a controversial subject!

The way the college admissions process encourages senseless opportunity hoarding in young people disgusts me.

“Karen” is misogynistic.

If we extend your argument then we shouldn’t have male OBGYN’s.

There’s the time when one gets an undecipherable text from their only sister - undecipherable except for the part about “I got hit” and you believe she was in her car returning from a store based upon her previous texts at the store. No response since.

And you share your concern with family members only to have them not care, so no relief there - her son is also unable to check on her.

And you live 8 hours away. She’s your only sibling.

How slowly can time go until there are answers from her or someone?

Here’s hoping she’s ok and just getting checked out, but that last text suggests otherwise because of how much she texted that didn’t make sense, progressively so from the beginning.

I should probably go get busy doing something to pass time. I thought the computer would be better than busywork, but no, it isn’t.

Too late to edit. All is well
 Sis might want to reread The Boy Who Cried Wolf, however.

My mind is doing MUCH better now in spite of the “What the H?” feeling from it all.

A value above rubies: an 18-yo who discovers he enjoys weeding :slight_smile:

Why haven’t the anarchists organized? Because then they wouldn’t be anarchists.

I think about this often

Is this ASD or JSD?

If only you were as concerned with what caused the protest as you are about what the protest will cause.

I was very disappointed when you tried to come up with many possible excuses for our new neighbor. She didn’t even look at me. She only looked at you, talked to you, engaged with you without even making an eye contact with me who was standing right by you the whole time.

I understand that you didn’t want to confront the new neighbor and cause a rift. I just wanted you to acknowledge what was really happening. She was ignoring me and refused to acknowledge my presence because I was not like you or her. I guess I wanted you to be upset with me, to be angry with me, to grieve with me.

You hurt me, too, with your response.

That was almost 20 years ago. When I mentioned the incident and said how her behavior still upsets me, you said, “wow, you are still thinking about it? I thought you got over it.”

NOOOOO, I will never get over it. I moved on, but I will NEVER forget it and NEVER get over it.

We can do better