Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Needing this mental health break - thoroughly enjoying Ferris Bueller’s Day Off on TV via random channel surfing. I so needed this!!! I’ll get back to real life in an hour or so.

When your only tool is a hammer, yes - everything must be classified as a nail.

Whoever invented AC, thank you!

Every single time someone says “defund the police” on television it motivates 100 American citizens to purchase their first gun. We should all buy stock in Smith & Wesson and Sturm, Ruger & Co…

I’m so tired of the complaining on FB. Yes, school will look much different this Fall. We’re in the middle of a pandemic. Everyone is doing the best they can.

I’m doing a Facebook Live presentation on ABLE accounts for NAMI Maine this afternoon. I’ve been checking out everything to make sure it works properly. UGH, I hate hearing myself on the audio!! Really, the one thing I don’t like about being a woman is how I sound. It would be so wonderful to have a deep, rich voice, ha.

After checking my 4-5 news sources I’ve determined…it’s official.

We’e lost our collective minds.

It’s all Gone With The Wind.

33 long days until you are supposed to fly to Lebanon. The bleeping Beirut airport better not close before then!!

Thankful that this is 2020 and NOT 2017.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: A reminder that no responses are allowed in this thread. Thanks!

I hate hate hate it when data messes with my preferences

I have an important doctor’s appointment tomorrow downtown on Pennsylvania Ave. To say I’m conflicted is putting it mildly.

Hate the song but have to admit when I read that content all I can think is “I See Your True Colors…”

Be human first.

To each of my siblings: I have known for most of my life how to figure out when our parents 60th wedding anniversary was. (It’s today!)

Why did each of you feel the need to text me at 5 am, make my phone vibrated so much it woke both my H and me up (even with the volume turned down) just to make sure I knew?

It’s not like we haven’t been talking about it for the past year or so…

If you were a POC, you might see it differently.

Also …

Yes, you drive me crazy sometimes, but we are KILLING this project. Way to go!

I hope he gets the job. He’s already gainfully employed, and this is another project in the same company, but it’s just what he wants to do and he will be working from home almost 100% of the time indefinitely. If he gets the job, and the promotion he’s expecting (it will be a little late - he knows that already), he will be quite “settled” (in a good way). Fingers crossed.

It’s your 3rd baby, you shouldn’t have given yourself a baby shower.

1). it’s TACKY, TACKY, TACKY!!

2). You weren’t due until end of July and have NEVER taken care of your physical self. You’ve already lost several babies because of your poor diet.

3). You hold your babies for a full year and never put them down and you wonder why they are both physically delayed and don’t walk until the age of 3 or later. Both children have very poor, green dentition because you constantly give them candy to shut them up. Reports to CPS apparently haven’t done anything to dissuade you. You never watch them, ever, and expect others to care for them. They shout, scream and use curse words. They are both under 5 years old. Stop shouting at them! Children learn what they live. Learn a trade and HELP your husband support your family. This BS about “woman aren’t supposed to work once they get married” is bull, and you wonder why you’re broke? It means that you don’t care enough to support your family. Learn to cook! Get a box of mac and cheese and add some finger veggies. They will eat them.
4). We’re in a fricken pandemic! Most of your so-called friends can’t afford a $400 stroller; why would you “Register” and ask for 108 items? Didn’t you save anything from those???
5). I didn’t attend your virtual shower, intentionally. You invited your all of your mother-in-law’s friends and family (54!) because you thought they had more money. None of them “came”. Quit asking me why I didn’t attend. I’m your husband’s aunt and am under no obligation to have attended a 3rd shower.
6). My sister, that did attend, noticed that you chew with your mouth open and you often spoke while eating! She was grossed out and left you in your virtual zone.

Tell me why I should continue to host the Zoom happy hours for a fourth month when I get ignored or interrupted or talked over.

How do I live in a state where the governor lets tattoo parlors open and still doesn’t give a date for curbside library services?

I truly am glad I am no longer on furlough and have my job back, as well as you continuing to keep my husband and I on the company health insurance. I was told you would deduct the insurance premium over many months until it was current; what I didn’t know is my paycheck would be $114 for the first week back. A bit of a shock for the first week of work.

HR, I know these have been unusual times and you are swamped, but a little communicate would be nice. You called me on a Tuesday afternoon to come back to work the next day after being out for 2.5 months. Again, while happy to be back, when I asked if I could have a couple of days as I had a couple of doctor’s appointments schedule that week, I was told I could use PTO. All worked out as I was able to reschedule some, but it was a rush.