Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

It’s happened a few times now. I have a simple interaction with someone in the grocery store where one of us has to “yield right of way” with our shopping carts. The interaction goes perfectly fine, they smile at me, and I return the smile. But the look in their eyes doesn’t acknowledge my smile, and then I remember that I’m wearing a mask.

Frustrating. I need to learn to smile with my eyes.


No, your choice not to wear a mask does not show your freedom from fear and your faith that God is in control. What it shows is that you don’t love your neighbor, because the mask doesn’t protect you, it protects everyone else. And I wish I could say this to your self-righteous face.

Being proud of a student is totally understandable.

Wielding the achievement of your child as a badge of sorts, in some odd way a means of demonstrating your superior parental abilities compared to others, it’s just goofy.

Everyone can see it. As they say, how do you know someone went to X University, they tell you. Ad nauseam.

And it’s not a good look to most mature adults who’ve been exposed a bit more to the realities and vagaries of life. There’s a lot more road to cover.

Take it in and enjoy their ride without acting like you’re behind the wheel. And let others enjoy their moment too. Let them be happy without chiming in every time.

.Wow. That made me feel better.

I should have just bought a new washing machine online two hours ago instead of disassembling the old one. Uuuuuggghhh!

Sorry. Not going to like your FB pics of you vacationing out of state, not socially distancing, eating out, and frolicking on the beach, especially since you work in a nursing home. Do you not care about the population you work with?

Why do people spend time on genealogy while ignoring the living relatives?

Those gardens must be watered really well by now…

Oh, and I hope that you will not forget to vote this year.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it? And the apples appear to be rotten to the core.

Stop sending racist propaganda! The entire family is quickly losing the last bit of respect for you we had. You are NOT balanced and nuanced. Pull your head out of your *ss and at least realize that you are pushing your family away with your know it all belligerent attitude. Probably not what you want at this stage in your life and the rest of us hate starting our day this way.

PS. We’ve all generally just delete the garbage you send but you’ve crossed a new low that can’t go unchallenged.

I know you’re a good communicator so start communicating. Blaming others but not telling them what the problem is (from your viewpoint)so there can be a resolution is so totally asinine that I don’t even know what to say. Keep it up and soon nobody (meaning me) will care about the problem OR you.

Gosh, your family is so darn PERFECT!!!.. rolling eyes…

Your “cleaning gal” has been exposed to Covid-19 and can’t clean this week. You posted in the neighborhood group: “Does anyone have any ideas?” Yeah. Clean your own dang house.

Nononononono… dear fellow “mission to Mars astronaut,” we are absolutely, positively, definitely not watching Contagion on our “movie date night.” ? You already asked once, and the Supreme Court of the Bunsen House said “no.” Are there any movies with exploding helicopters or hijacked planes that you would like to rewatch? Aack!!!

You guys are really burning your bridges. Hope it’s worth it.

I find it so interesting that the most vulnerable people in my social circle are the most “upset” with social distancing rules and spouting all kinds of conspiracy theories that the media is lying and trying to control us. Keep doing what you are doing and you’ll end up another Covid statistic.

Stop pointing the finger at everyone else. This is about YOU and often is.

Woke up. Live streamed your commencement ceremony. Ate brunch. Now it’s just another day. It should have been so much more. But we are so, so proud of you!

BTW, I have a great dinner planned for you later, and a Zoom conference with many friendly faces from your past and present…

Sadly, glad to live in our bubble this year. Covid, SIP for three months, riots, protests, unemployment and lots of anger in that seems to be oozing from social media, the media and even in normal conversation. No thanks. I don’t care about your hatred of Anything!
I’m happy to hang on the beach with people. So calm and the waves and tide go in and out on schedule. People can rant and rave without us.

The phrases “social media influencer” and " # of followers" makes me nauseous and almost want to punch someone.