Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Hello neighbors, it’s Flag Day. Why am I the only one flying an American flag today? The greatest country in the world regardless of current chaos. smh??

Deep breaths. Help me accept that some people really enjoy and relish being mean.

And…on another note, some people just MUST snark. Done being nice.

I’m worried about you, and you’re not taking this seriously enough.

Yeah, I know I’m not cool or in the club, you’ve made very sure of letting me know. I’m okay with that. You seem to need it a lot more.

It’s getting harder and harder for me to say “I really disagree with your politics but I think that you’re a good person.” Family gatherings are going to be really difficult going forward … I’m going to have to spend a great deal of time out of the room.

Thank you my wonderful kids for not putting me through the living hell my friend is going through with her kid. You probably know I’m not cut out to deal with BS on that level. She is a saint and does not deserve this…

What a travesty.

Groceries have gotten really expensive!

Just watch a BBC interview with a Syrian refugee family. They said that they are not complaining about the Covid lockdown. Humbling.

Many patients have been very happy to visit our office! They say it gets them out of the house for a scheduled appointment and they looked forward to it all day! Plus our environment is very safe so they see little to no risk for themselves.

Dear fellow faculty members:
I’m sorry you are now just waking up to your own racial biases in and out of the classroom, but what does that have to do with me? You want reading material about systemic racism in the U.S. and racial bias in education? Go online and look at the numerous lists of books, articles, films, and podcasts that have appeared in recent weeks. I refuse to attend another open forum on race and racism for faculty. It’s not my job (or the job of your students of color) to help educate you or the other students, faculty, and staff at the college. As a Black woman, I’ve been processing my entire life from a different perspective; I have no desire to process with all of you. Please don’t email/call/text/IM me because I’m the only Black person you know. Do the hard work yourself.

Yaaaaaaay - so very happy for a grand decision!!!

I really wonder what your daughter thinks of you.

Typed out a long post about frustrations with you and then decided I shouldn’t share. Sigh. Please grow up. You’re 25!!

Yes, her hair is longer than mine, but it’s not really thicker. And you charged her twice as much money? Twice? After you had texted her that it would “likely” only be a bit more? And you tell her at the END of the appointment?

Mom, this morning made it painfully clear how little you care about me. Case closed.

In other news, I’m really tired of living my life this way. People pretending they care about you just so they can dig up dirt to trash you with. And people wonder why I’d rather be with my dogs.

It really isn’t always about you, believe it or not.

Said something I shouldn’t have to my wife today. It’s not that I didn’t mean it, I did and I have felt this way for years. Still I probably should have kept it to myself though. If I thought it would change things, I would feel better about it. But I’m guessing it won’t.

“There is no coronavirus at grandpa’s house because it zoomed away!”

:heart: We love you and we will see you soon. You are right. There is no coronavirus in this house. :slight_smile: