Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Pickle ball is a scourge! We want to play tennis on the TENNIS COURT! Get your own court!

Related to my last post. Sitting on in-laws deck. Neighbor is mowing his lawn. Has BeeGees playing on stereo loud enough to hear over the mower. Kill me now.

A big chunk of Seattle?! Big chunk? Big chunk? Lol. Someone has never been to Seattle! ?

Honestly. 5 pm becomes 6 pm becomes still at Trader Joeā€™s becomes going out to dinner becomes ??? It is after 8 pm. Are you going to show up at your momā€™s house tonight or not? Joining a family Zoom call with the rest of us would be fun, but it isnā€™t necessary. Your mom needs your help and the rest of us are multiple states away.

Really, really worried about the people of our Yakima county.

Not to just live stream my weekend, but the same neighbor is an hour into power washing his deck. This is at a lake with all the cabins are packed close together. Itā€™s Fatherā€™s Day, and a beautiful day when all the neighbors are on their decks trying to enjoy the lake. He is retired and lives here year round. Do this on a Tuesday, you inconsiderate jerk.

I love spending my relax time here (sarcasm font) ready to go back to work so I can be more relaxed.

Itā€™s Fatherā€™s Day and I will keep my mouth shut but my level of annoyance of me doing project after project for two weekends straight and you just doing what you like which is largely nothing, is skyrocketing and driving me bonkers!!! And who is the one retired? Itā€™s like you think itā€™s a ticket to not have obligations!!!

Dear Neighbors -

It is so not OK to send your six young children outside at 6:30 am on Saturday AND Sunday morning with zero supervision and allow them to scream, yell, and cry for hours on end.

And note, the SIP order applied to you too. Having gatherings of 20+ people weekly all Spring was totally not OK.

We are all hoping you move very soon.

I do think that online instructions are much less effective and stop shaming me that itā€™s always the full paying parents that complain.

Still going. If he takes a bathroom break Iā€™m hoping over and stealing his spark plug

Neighbors house is ā€˜under contractā€™! Woo hoo. Worst neighbors ever

He parked it by the front door next to a plate glass window. I was still tempted, but my wife made it clear that it wasnā€™t allowed. A few minutes later he was back out. Still going. I didnā€™t get into trouble when I was younger, but I just warned my kids that Iā€™m probably only a couple years from getting arrested. My tolerance for the jackwagons I am surrounded by is wearing thin.

Iā€™m full pay on one kid, not the other. Online is awful. If it werenā€™t for athletics one would be taking a gap year next year.

What can I say? Iā€™m happy - and fearful. About equally. I wish you the best, will do all I can to help, but you also need to put in some protective measures on your end. If you do, odds are you will graduate and go on to an exciting future. But itā€™s a steep bumpy road without the help you may have to learn to request.

First tick of the season. Be careful out there

Well, apparently I created a mess. But Iā€™m not the one to blame. You didnā€™t tell me the real story. You made it sound like someone else went and did something completely unauthorized. So when I tried to help, you told me to back off, that it was all under control, that you knew about this and everything was fine. If you had told me the whole story from the start, I wouldnā€™t have stepped into it. Luckily, what I did can be undone, but next time, Iā€™m not going to give credence to your side of the story. Iā€™m beginning to think (or maybe coming to the conclusion) that you are a wack-a-doodle.

I think Iā€™ve been a failure when it comes to pictures of my kids. I took tons of them, but they are all on different ā€œsticksā€ from various cameras Iā€™ve had from the 90s through today.
One of my goals is to find a way to have them all stored in one place, but so far that hasnā€™t happened, and the longer I wait, the harder it will be.

You have officially lost what little was left of your mind. Taking your newly discharged from the hospital, elderly father, out for an indoor meal, in a hot spot for C-19, is beyond stupid. C-19 is not a conspiracy theoryā€¦ especially for your 90 year old frail parents with all kinds of co-morbidities.

It wasnā€™t intended as a joke. Last I heard, jokes are supposed to be funny.

Itā€™s thunderstorming outside. 90% chance of rain. Iā€™m subbing in a golf league. Please cancel, itā€™s miserable. This is why I hate leagues, they donā€™t want to cancel and itā€™s a big pain