Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Ha! I knew you’d want to travel in July. I hoped it would feel safe but it won’t so you can go without me.

I would be happy if both of my sons stayed with their current girlfriends forever. (Ideally moving on to wife/kid status eventually, if that’s what they choose).

OMG. You are a broken record playing an infinite loop of curmudgeon.

Are you this miserable in the rest of your life? I could dig into the history but a block is just better all around.


I am so disappointed right now. I thought we had raised you to be respectful.

So sad.

Good bye Hokie cat. You came into our lives the week older S entered kindergarten. You almost made it until he was fully launched next week, but 17 years is a long time. You were not always the easiest cat to love, but we loved you anyway. RIP old girl. We will miss you.

FB this morning exemplified what’s wrong in the world. One friend posting a doom and gloom article that everyone with Covid will have permanent lung damage and need lung transplants, and the very next friend posting that masks are “dangerous”, shouldn’t be worn, and that Covid is a hoax. Urgh!.

Some people are simply scum. So you decided to steal 6 chicks and an older hen from us. Then you had to leave the coop door open and a predator got another two. This leaves us with one third of our flock.

I guess you thought we’d blame it all on a predator? Then you shouldn’t have left the cotter pin for the door in a place where no predator could have left it - and none of us leave it there either.

The worst part is you’re probably bragging about it to everyone in your circle.

We put all the money, time, and effort into raising those chickens and youngest son was planning on earning some of his income selling the extra eggs - but somehow you feel you’re smarter/better/more deserving of having them so can just take them because you want to.

I hope Karma is real.

Good for you, cousin! You figured out which condo we bought, so you can know what the list price was! I get it - we are ALL nosy, and we ALL snoop online to find things out. It’s unbecoming. But, it is even more so when you don’t keep your nosy creeping to yourself.

At least you didn’t ask how we are paying for it, though I know you want to know. Maybe I should send you a balance sheet.

Ugh, CLIENTS!! This job has been going on for months. We find out today the final drawings are to go out tomorrow. The short notice is bad enough, but then you send us the new title block and we discover the drawing size has changed from 24"x36" to 22"x34". Uh, we can’t cram all the engineering details down that much, so now I’ll have to redo all the sheets. It’s a big deal and will take a good bit of time I don’t have since I do have other clients expecting product from me. GRR! Supposedly you’ll pay us for our time, but even that’s frustrating because you are slow payers.

Destroying a statue of Ulysses S. Grant is proof that these vandals are historical illiterates and morons.

You are the proverbial dog with a bone!!

So disappointed, the one and only social event on my calendar (for the foreseeable future) just got cancelled.

SETTING: Back porch at dusk, feeling sad because I just told S1 that he and his wife shouldn’t plan to come visit because DH is immunocompromised, as much as we would like to see them

ENTER: in distance, a deer eyeing our vegetable garden

ME: Hey deer! Go away! Get out of the garden! [Claps hands, waves arms. Deer does not react]

[Increased agitation]

[Deer coolly takes a couple of steps behind shed]

[Revealing fawn standing there]

ME: BAMBI! Awww! Baby! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to traumatize you! I just wanted your mother to get out of the garden!!

[Deer reappears, glares at me, walks calmly through shrubbery to neighbor’s meadow, followed by Bambi.]

ME: …

[Heard at front of house, multiple neighbors’ voices. Who do I need to avoid during my daily walk tomorrow to avoid embarrassment?]

Why on earth would you post a picture on LinkedIn with so much cleavage showing? I get that it’s your right to handle your sexuality as you wish, but …

She got the grant !!!

THE grant. 5 years of a well funded post-doc basically at any university of her choice.



Thank you for indulging an ecstatic mom.

I think that dead horse y’all keep beating has been reduced to a dusty sack of bones.

2020 may not turn out to be such a bad year.

A sandstorm from the Sahara. …OK, someone is laughing somewhere.

Well that was $700 bucks I wasn’t planning on spending (new sump pump).

Better be careful, your head might just fall off. :angry: