Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Funny how it’s OK for you to go off the deep end but when someone else is critical about the same thing, you get defensive.

Gotta love marriage. I was in a GREAT mood this morning, after feeling down for awhile. I’m chirping away when DH frowns and says, “We need to talk about something…” Long pause. Crap, I knew right then my day was ruined and I was right.

D#%m, d@$m, d#%m. Beloved nephew is in hospital on hospice with organs starting to fail. He just turned 29. Much, much too young to die from colon cancer. So very sad today.

Screw you, groundhog! :angry:

The extent to which you can walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat their food, it’s a plus for everybody. — Anthony Bourdain

Happy Birthday, Anthony!

My brother posted a pic on fb of a garage pull cord and said “look what I found in my garage better call the FBI” I’m disgusted and sick to my stomach and ashamed. I have been estranged from him for years, but his racism still kicks me in the stomach every time.

Oh crap… :slight_smile: -
Now we need to get our septic system fixed too.
Another $600, at least.
This is not what I wanted to spend my “COVID savings” on.

I am so angry about your interference. I hope you get what you deserve.

To everyone taking unnecessary risks (no mask, no distance, no cleaning, no staying home, etc) I’m just getting back to working at my office (with mask, with distance, with packed lunch, with grocery pick up, etc) and I have REALLY missed it. If you take it away from me with your irresponsible behavior, I will NOT take it well so PLEASE get your act together. You are not the only one that suffers if you get the virus.

My future daughter-in-law’s mother is the sweetest, kindest person. I am so lucky that ds1 is marrying into that family.

Taking your ads off FaceBook is better than nothing, but why not go all-in: REMOVE YOUR FB PAGE.

Mr. President, just wear the damn mask! You single handedly could get millions more to do so. It won’t hurt anyone and it just could save lives. As the nike folks say, Just Do It!

Huh, it’s kind of cowardly to write a Facebook comment and then when I rebut it, you delete it! So I posted, “Where is John Doe’s comment?” I guess running for office makes you a little skittish. You’re the same jerk we did work for and decided you wouldn’t pay your entire bill, too.

(This is why I’m glad people can’t delete posts on CC! It gets very confusing when comments suddenly disappear.)

My heart breaks over this. I wonder if you were on the spectrum? Doesn’t matter. You didn’t deserve it.

Hang in there, parents of teen boys - they really do become more thoughtful and considerate.

Ds is about to turn 23. He hiked Half Dome yesterday, something I was really nervous about. When he finished he texted to let me know that after 13 hours, 18 miles, 5,000 feet of elevation gain, and a bear along the way, he was alive and well. Promised and followed through with pics when he got back to his hotel. Even added a disclaimer that one pic he was sending was an optical illusion and that he was not as close to the ledge as it appeared! His 18- or 19-year-old self would never have thought to have texted survival and send pics to mom and dad FIRST! :slight_smile:

Dear local hospital- maybe you are busy. But he presented to the hospital TWICE with severe back and abdominal pain. And twice you sent him home. And now he is dead. Died in his sleep. His wife found him. He was 39 years old. I feel badly for saying this but I hope his wife sues the pants offa you.

I woke up in a horrible mood. This is the new normal it seems.

Why are you so passive? Get off your butt and go see him.

I slept for 10.5 hours last night. I really need to go to bed earlier during the week. My body is so tired!

I’m tired and grumpy.