Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Birds loudly chirping at 5 am. Cats banging on the bedroom door at 5:30 am. Crows starting a racket at 6 am… we are supposed to sleep in on a weekend morning!!! Dagnabbit “wildlife.” :slight_smile:

Listening to my girls and their husband/BF enjoying their waffles and French toast this morning in my kitchen almost made me feel like life was normal again. Wish it were true.

Disappointed for my daughter. She was supposed to see a friend in person this weekend. They were going to walk to a midpoint between their apartments. The weather is calling for thunderstorms all weekend - so no go. She hasn’t seen a friend or family member in person in three months.

I am getting the sense this septic system issue is going to cost thousands of $$$s to repair.
And they will be messing up our front lawn, which has been looking so nice lately.
Right now we can’t use much water, so no laundry is being done.
Gonna get stinky with all our hot weather workout clothes around.
I so hope they get it fixed Monday.

You, sir, are a fool!

To the neighbor who installed a tv outside. Ugh.
Oh, and the birds are much too loud on my patio but it helps tone out the noise from the tv.

Whack a mole!!!

*. I can’t stand to watch or read the news anymore, it’s too devisive and angry.
*. One reason why I love CC is it deals with young people on the verge of a critical stage in their lives, so normally it’s very uplifting.
*. The anger and divisiveness going on in the world is starting to bleed onto here.
*. Regardless of whatever religion any of us are, or no religion, I still think the following are words to live by: love thy neighbor as thyself. Let’s all be a little kinder to each other, and try to lift each other up.

I think it is weird to facetime someone without prior notice. It’s like dropping in on someone at home without a call first. I don’t even like to talk on the phone.

You have an obligation to do your part. Don’t go off on social media when you haven’t done the very basics to stay informed.

It felt good to put you on “pause” on Facebook. Now I don’t have to resist the urge to respond to your ignorant posts.

D@&% lantern flies!

Oh the the things we do for love. I finally caved in… we watched a movie my husband has been itching to watch: last night’s “date night” was watching Contagion… Surprisingly, a glass of red made it more bearable. We both cringed when first responders placed an N95 mask with a valve on an infected guy…

We agreed that next week we will watch something about volcanoes, twisters, or hijacked airplanes. Thank goodness… less scary.

We have reached that short lived time period between the points where summer squash and zucchini produced in our garden is plentiful, but not yet tedious.

Today’s lunch composed entirely of one summer squash with a little butter and salt added all for me was easy, healthy, low calorie, and incredibly tasty.

Why was that “tedious” marker put into our brains anyway? And why does it only seem to happen for healthier foods and not those we really should rarely consume?

I’m being very careful COVID-wise, but I have been going to our partially opened gym (50% capacity is their current max. It’s only been at about 15% capacity.) (I’m in CT, where life is starting to pick up again.) But Stupid People (SP) there insist on wearing their masks under their noses. I had to move from one bench to another farther away so I wouldn’t be close to the SP.

IF everyone does what they’re supposed to, this can work. But apparently SP have difficulty with that.

I hope people can play nice

My special bottle of whiskey, which I found in Houston last December, has been gone for a month or so now. D1’s boyfriend drank most of it! And I called around and found out that it was some special edition that has largely disappeared from the earth. Except there’s one bottle in a Total Wine in the northern part of Houston. Nope, not going there!

Not gonna lie, I splurged and ordered some straight from Dublin. D1’s boyfriend is NOT going to find out about this.

S (21) is sitting out back with an old friend sipping bourbon and smoking a nice cigar. A couple of old souls! Apple doesn’t fall too far… really want to join them but will let them be. Doc says one cigar per month and I’m trying to be good.

Yes, we know our son shouldn’t go to Lebanon right now. But he’s 25 and he won’t listen to us. ? I can’ think about it.

I want life back for me and my family. I want us to be able to physically browse books in a library, eat dinner in a restaurant, catch up with freinds over coffee or breakfast at the local diner, go to yoga or to the gym, walk through a museum, discuss a book in person with our book group, ride public transportation, volunteer at our favorite historic site, get our favorite food from a food truck or local joint, see a show, etc. But mostly I want us to be able to touch, hug, and kiss our loved ones (friends and family).