Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Beloved nephew died yesterday. Much too young to die. D@%# it. Life isn’t fair sometimes.

SCOTUS! Captain Justice Roberts continues to steer SCOTUS away from the icebergs.

You are an angry and unhappy person.

Really feel for those in your life to have to be around you day to day.

As Bob Dylan sang. If you could
walk in my/our shoes for just one day you’d know what a drag it is to see you.

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Our state just mandated that for k-12 schools to receive funding they have to have students in the classroom. What state you ask? Why Arizona, of course. What other state could make that announcement on the same day they are rolling back opening up. Can’t wait to exit this place.

I wish you weren’t going to such a dangerous place, but it’s probably a good thing you’re leaving. You’re amazing but you still have a lot of growing up to do.

D got the job!! She will be photographing newborns. Just part time and not what she wants to do long-term, but it’s a great start for her. In the middle of a pandemic! I could cry.

Actually, I did say this directly. Don’t be a young fool. It is not a smart idea to have a two-week gap in health insurance. Accidents happen!

I know many of us are tired of the homeowners that refuse to pick up after their dogs. That said, is it really necessary to take pictures of the piles and post them? Seeing these pictures on my screen doesn’t help me visualize; knew what it looked like before your post!

Look at all the extra time I had on my hands today. So much less irritation. Sometimes it’s good when your drug of choice becomes unavailable. participation cancelled.

Please, please, please let some power help him get home for his twin brother’s funeral. D@$m virus.

Yes actually I would rather go to bed early rather than let you infect me with your bad mood.

Dog in the manger

Great, one kid headed to Beirut and the other just taken to the ER due to a mental health crisis. I’m tired.

What a joke. Grow a backbone and take some action!!!

Saying the same useless things louder is not going to help. Our state epidemiologist is obviously not happy with the “we can’t restrict people’s freedom” talk. At some point if you really value k-12 schools opening so parents can get back to work and you value protecting vulnerable older adults, you might have to officially close some stuff back down. Things are are going to be slammed for the 4th - people will not put their community above their plans.

Chopped. ?

If I need hear your opinion I would ask for one

Moving is hard work!

The goal all along should have been with an eye on opening schools not bars.