Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

What did you expect when you posted how proud of yourself you were when you didn’t react to the person who yelled at you in Starbucks for not wearing a mask?? “Go, girl”?? That is how your relatives responded, but another person and I politely asked why you wouldn’t wear one and you didn’t like that one bit! You sent me a PM saying FB wasn’t the place for debates and that you had done your research. And then you deleted all the replies of people who disagreed with your actions.

I guess the most discouraging part is that you’re in your 20s. I guess you have some growing up to do.

MTA: After a couple of rude PMs, I blocked you. Sigh.

Fill your glass!

Since this has been said to me by two different doctors within the past 2 weeks.

When you mention the protests and rioting going on, that’s a tell

I’m tired of these tells by medical professionals in my area.

And oh, that’s not a worry for me. Not one bit.

Saw this posted by a guy who served in Iraq.

To my good good friend in AL/MC, I am sorry you are falling. I am sorry there is a case of Covid in your facility. Go in peace.

To my nephew-in-law. … well I can’t SAY anything but here is a gesture for you. My condolences to your family on the loss of their grandfather.

Just because you CAN say something on social media doesn’t mean you SHOULD. UGH, so disappointed.

Visiting your elderly parents when you are just back from a month long trip. Not smart! Playing guitar and singing with your sister inside your parents house. Beyond stupid! I don’t get it, All you are educated enough to know better. Your 85 yr old mother saying everyone has been careful. Not sure what her definition of careful is.

Thank you, son’s GF, for talking some sense into his hard head. We both love that guy.

Personal responsibility…say it with me. You shouldn’t need to be “told” to do the right thing. GRRRR…

We have been so good with COVID and social distancing all these months. Your daughter comes and first thing you do is hug her… WTH???
Oh I forgot, the rules don’t apply to her, because she’s not good at social distancing.

This is no quality of life for the elderly. And I wish there were more consensus on what to do. Rock and a hard place.

Alec, Johnny, and the hardworking family with two kids… our “old, dilapidated house” is quite livable and is not for sale. So stop bombarding us with your stupid “offers.” Sad that a tree had to die so your garbage can be mailed to us.

I’m beyond sad at the level of violence in our society. Another shooting near me. 8 year old child dead, 3 more people injured. This gang violence needs to be stopped!!! Why don’t people value each other’s lives?!!

And this isn’t a one-off. My spouse worked with so many people who have been murdered, it’s shocking.

I don’t understand how my brother can stand to be married to you. You are an idiot, and that is a fact.

I did not love Hamilton.

Bed Bath and Beyond customer service leaves a LOT to be desired. WOW, over an hour on their customer line and no answer from anyone. Online chat says wait of 60-90 minutes. Should have ordered from Amazon obviously.

H- when one of your family members texts and asks you to recommend a place for their family to stay near us they are expecting you to say "Oh, stay with us! We have lots of room!’ The answer is NO. We are not comfortable with that right now.

I am not a dog, I am not a small child, but the # of fireworks and the duration (3 hours and continuous) is driving me batty!

Well, this is a new 4th. The fireworks started at 7 am and are still going. Up to full speed now!

You have officially lost your mind. Wear your damn mask. If you don’t want to, then stay at home! And shame on you for exposing your kids because you won’t be the parent.