Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Thanks to the grown child who may or may not have shared a password allowing us to watch Hamilton. Nice to have reciprocity after all these years!

 we have giant bodies of water here. Just load the dang stuff on barges and blow it up in the middle of lakes and the Sound. Let the masses enjoy the display. Instead, we have dang fireworks ? going off every couple of seconds in our city that prohibits them. Ugh.

Hey Alitalia. You cancelled the flight and Americans aren’t allowed into your country. Stop making excuses and refund the money!

Aren’t young people supposed to be more reckless? Instead I have to talk my daughter into letting me and my husband come visit her. Our travel wouldn’t violate any rules for either location and we would be safe in our car for the trip.

I do NOT understand why it is always on me to initiate a phone conversation with my mother-in-law. She NEVER calls me, yet if I go too long without calling her, I get a, “Haven’t heard from you in awhile,” comment. It’s tiring.

I taught my kids to think about how what they do affects others. I noticed even then that other parents were not teaching their children the same thing and wow it is so noticeable now. Think about the community, country, world as a whole people! It’s not just about you!

“OMG they expected me to wash my hands, with soap, on a regular basis (during a pandemic)” is a new low (or a new high?) for accusations.

Today must be the day for the “I have an idea, and/or something I think should be done, but I want you to be the one to do it” day. Thanks for the opportunity. That would be a no thank you.

Holier than thou is not a wonderful trait.

Dear Sister-in-law:

It’s beyond annoying that you wake us up every Holiday bright and early with some stupid picture text. We easily each work twice the hours you do and we like to sleep in.

Don’t need a “Happy 4th” with exploding fireworks. It’s RUDE. Really don’t think we should have to block you the night before every holiday, but we definitely will in the future. This is in the category of “you shouldn’t have to be asked more than once.” Grr

I never considered myself naive, but clearly I am. I never had any interest in the sandbar parties on our lake, and our kids were never interested, so I never thought much about it. Our cottage is on an island, and we are not close to the sandbar area. Not sure what I thought happened there, but it was NOT what is actually going on, that’s for sure. Beyond the party in the lake, people are walking through private yards, relieving themselves in those yards & dropping trash everywhere. They are trashing the public launch site with garbage and human waste. It wasn’t until it made national news that I realized what was going on. When did I become so clueless?

Wherever you go, there you are!

Wish charities would stop sending out requests for donations using formats that resemble bills. My 85 year old father with some cognitive issues cannot tell the difference. And if you send one in, the next month you get another. And they all seem to sell their lists because the requests multiply like rabbits. Evil on a certain level (tho smart on another).

People: It takes only one person to go grocery shopping. Three people huddled around a cart clogs the aisles and increases the chances of getting too close to one another. Every household should have a ‘designated shopper’.

“Formally” is not the same thing as “formerly”.

I thought I was passed the really overwhelmed and panicked phase, but I guess not.

I am so sad. COVID has killed the historic site which has been a part of my family’s life for more than a dozen years. My daughter first went to camp there, then she was a camp counselor, then she was a volunteer, and most recently I have been a volunteer. They are keeping the buildings and grounds closed for the foreseeable future and have laid off the entire education staff. The staff included wonderful, strong, intelligent women who first befriended my daughter and then myself. They were role models for my daughter, who fostered her love of history and shared so many of her interests. Despite the sad news that this place will no longer be the same, we know that these women will continue to be our friends.

Brother in law, who practically lived with us - camped out on our couch every weekend for years when he was single and our kids were little - is breaking my heart, and I am so conflicted on what to do. I think we have lost a loving relationship, possibly for good. I am also worried about his mental health.

He threw out the word lib**** on Facebook.

I replied “lib****?” Honestly thinking he couldn’t possibly have meant that.

And he wrote, “Triggered?”

His wife later told me that she tried to stop him but that he said, “I know what I’m doing.”

(Insert sound of blowing up an already delicate family dynamic)

He was my three kids’ favorite uncle. My husband, his brother, is of the “let it go. We can only control our own actions” belief, which is so true.

The back story is long and ugly. He believes I implied that he was a racist after the last election. (“It’s an election. Get over it.” “Sure, WE will be fine. We’re white and college educated, but a lot of other people are going to suffer.” ) I was not aware that this had been an issue until three weeks ago.

A year later his brother,
my husband (who had nothing to do with anything) was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and during his month long post surgery hospitalization this brother (who lives closer to the hospital than I do) had to be sort of bullied by his wife into visiting him. One time. And that was the last time we heard from him other than a thumbs up when we send regular group sibling texts about my H’s progress. Not a visit, not a card. Not a call. Not a text. Nada. The other 4 siblings and spouses have been great.

And now ***tard. And then he wrote some nasty words to my daughter, who used to adore him, when she questioned why a 50 year old man would use that kind of language, directed to a family member, on a social media platform.

I found out that he was upset about me thinking he was a racist AFTER the ***tard comment because his sister got involved. This is 3 years AFTER he was upset. In between he never said a word, he just went silent.

Of course I sent him a profuse apology. I said I had no idea he had felt that way, that I am so sorry for hurting him, and that I hoped we could repair the split. And that my daughter (23 years old) was crushed by his response to her, and that I hoped we all could find a path forward.

That was three weeks ago. His wife and I chatted on the phone, but brother in law did not. He did not not get on the phone. His wife said give him some time. It’s been 3 weeks.

Along with “we can’t change other people only our selves.” I also believe “When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.”

The fact that he used derogatory, fighting words for no reason, even after his wife asked him not to, and stole her “I know what I’m doing,” leads me to believe that he has no interest in repairing anything.

(Also, his profile picture is the gray faced cartoon character that represents NPC Wojak (see below)- which is only meaningful if you know the story behind it in the last few years. )

My kids had to point that out to me. I had never heard of the gray faced guy. They were also really upset that he distanced himself from his brother when he was very sick.

His own siblings are concerned about his mental health.

It’s a mess.

We are all sad and unsure and worried about him. He’s the kind of person who immediately backs away from any confrontation or deep feelings.

So much for a “White supremacist” mowing down the protesters on I5. It was a Black kid, a recent immigrant. This whole situation is just beyond sad. Completely, tragically sad. Two young lives ruined forever and one (very kind and caring) young lady is gone, gone, gone. What have you all achieved by this?!

I love you with all my heart. BUT YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY.

Also on an unrelated note. BIRDS. Please get out of my chimney. Will someone please remind me to get a chimney cap in the fall?