Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Remember bubble gum music? Every once in a while the song “Sunshine, Lollipops, Rainbows” pops into my head.

We had a great Saturday. Our family of 4 together. Spent some time in the pool. Splashing, playing volleyball, and just floating, the sun shaded by our tall Mexican fan palms. We cooled off with a few rounds of palomas then moved into the house for dinner. Fresh warm baguettes (I woke up early to make them), tapenade, mushroom risotto, and crisp dry Riesling. After dinner we moved to the media room to watch a new Tom Hanks movie on Apple TV. Then, it happened. As I passed the laundry room, I noted the new Amazon boxes of face masks we ordered. We need them as we plan to pick up S16’s belongings from his dorm room in Palo Alto and as we plan for D’s possible return to high school. It dawned on me that I can keep everyone safe in our very comfortable bubble, but soon, perhaps, things may be out of my control……

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.

Just went to Walmart. Of the approximately 8 million people I saw, less than 10 were wearing masks. This is why we can’t have nice things.

I really wish a certain someone would not get so angry and defensive anytime racial inequality is brought up. Its real buddy and its not going away. They love musicals but wont watch Hamilton. wtlh?

It floors me that this woman is in charge of our kids education(al) system. The content coming out of your mouth makes no sense.

Back from a break. Sad to see the decline.

A last vent - No, Mr. Aren’t I Wonderful, we will not be hiring you. Even though it’s required here, and even though I explained that we have multiple risk factors, your email indicated that I was wrong to expect you to wear a mask. Your follow-up email shows that you still don’t get it. I didn’t argue with you, I said we won’t be meeting. Surely you understand that means you’re not getting the job since it can’t be done remotely. Don’t bother asking again if you should change your mind about masks.

I wish there was a “mark all read” feature so I could use it when exiting the forum.

Dear neighborhood pit bull owner. I don’t know a lot about you but I do know that your dog has previously killed two chickens of a neighbor very very violently. I also know that I spent last evening trying to console from a distance my new neighbor whose cat was mauled and killed by your dog.

Each of these to a degree your fault. It is not ok. I don’t know what your dog would do to a child or adult if he was loose but the fact has been proven that he has no control when around other animals. I called the dog warden this morning and the Humane Society cruelty line. As a dog lover I am sad that this call may cause you to lose your pet. But I don’t want to witness another devastated pet owner because you can’t do your job being one. Maybe your job as a pet owner is to realize that your pet is not ok.

If your custom made plaque had read “Though shalt not loseth thine cool”, I might have suspected that you’re an idiot. But since it reads “Though shalt not lose thine cooleth”, you’ve removed all doubt.

This is not the way to treat people who help you.

I just want justice to be served. That’s all.

How can anyone believe you??? I am baffled beyond words.

You are not telling me the truth, and I don’t know why. There is no reason that I can figure. Must move on. There are bigger worries

Your kid is clueless and suffers from a giant sense of entitlement. But no surprise; the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Meeting ds2 at my mother’s this weekend. Sad that I had to tell my siblings that they aren’t allowed to come over, but they’ve been out to dinner every week, gone to parties, had their nails and hair done. Oh, and one’s ex-SIL has Covid. You’d think people would take this a little more seriously. But it’ll be nice to have ds2 all to ourselves.

If you want to rewrite my entire report, do it. Don’t keep sending it back and forth and asking if ‘that’s what you really mean.’ No, if that’s what I meant I would have written that. Honestly, I don’t care that much. Just do it the way you want to do it.

The hardest part of my job is talking to stupid people without letting on that I think they are stupid. No, I do not know where you mailed the check you sent last week. You mailed it, not me. Assuming that you mailed it in the envelope that was provided, it went to our payment processing center, but that was Friday and this is Monday so it hasn’t had nearly enough time to get there or anywhere else. So why are we having this conversation?

Made a trip to Ace hardware and the US Postal Service . Annoyed that employees at both wear masks below their noses. Also, i am annoyed with cyclists who dont ride on the right.

One of my early stay at home activities was to recycle most of my empty amazon boxes. Now I seem to be sending my daughter a box every week and my box supply is at an all time low!

I’m feeling so overwhelmed. Work, Covid, estate stuff…It’s just feeling like too much. Woke up at 1 am with a horrible headache and my mind racing with everything that needs to get done. I’d like to bury my head in the sand and wake up when everything is back to normal.