Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Peter, Paul, & Mary’s song, Blowing in the Wind, really is timeless. It does my older heart good seeing you like it, though one can’t help but wonder why we still “need” it in this century. Nonetheless, it will stay on my playlist forever. Hope you keep it on yours that long too.

You are both doing the right thing (now). I hope it’s not too late for her.

It’s nerve-wracking having people working in your home when they are banging around, and you have no idea if they are being careful or not.

D has finished her quarantine in CT. She is very ready to go to grocery store

It’s not ARE house. It’s OUR house.?

Kenosha ?

Called my neighbor yesterday to ask if he needed return of his laser tool right away or if he could wait until I finished reading an article titled Possession Is Nine-Tenths of the Law.

It’s been two years and I’m pretty sure only my uncle, sister, and I remember. For everyone else, its just life continuing on with its ups and downs. That’s the way the circle of life goes.

A toast to you, dad. Thank you for all the good things you taught and/or gave me. May you be enjoying where you are. RIP

I can’t believe it’s been five years this week since we lost my nephew. It’s still surreal.

Hey Walnut trees. Allow me to let you in on something. It’s still summer. Winter won’t arrive for another 2-3 months in this area. All other trees hang on to their leaves until the end of October, yet each year you think August is the time to start dropping yours. The others have even figured out global warming has officially lengthened our season by two weeks. You seem to have missed that news story. It’s not supposed to be raining yellow leaves this early - you can make more sugars and join the others later. Get with the program!

Wish I could confirm whether these first-day-of-online-class glitches are due to my technological incompetence or those of the students (like the one who responded to my third email announcing that there was no zoom meeting today by telling me he’d have to leave the zoom meeting early due to a schedule conflict)

My sincere apologies to Office Depot and Dymamex Delivery. When I got my notice of shipping at midnight last night, I started reading the abysmal reviews of your customer service and delivery. I had resigned myself to probably never seeing the new computer and fighting to cancel and return.

Ding dong - delivered to my doorstep an hour ago. Granted they didn’t wait to make sure I received it (would have required a signature in the old days) but it had all the parts and no damage to the shipping carton.

But I won’t know if it works until I get the new monitor. Come on, Amazon, you can do it! Granted you’re shipping cross country instead of a warehouse less than two hours away…

Just wrote on your “survey,” which was actually a request for donations, that I’m donating to your competitor each time (including this one) you send me something. Now I’m wondering if I will finally get off your mailing list or if I need to budget for something new.

Doc Rivers. Thank you.

I’ve never seen so many grown men cry on national tv.

Feeling sad and angry

Ha ha! Happiness is when your high school Algebra II teacher gets the wrong answer to the logic question you post on Facebook. Revenge for all of those horrible word problems! ?

I am so sad you blocked me on Facebook. I know we disagree politically but we have so many happy family memories of growing up. I don’t even comment on your posts but I guess you have gathered that I support a different party/philosophy. Why can’t we just agree to disagree, for the sake of being family?

Thank God it’s Thursday.


I finally pick a day to go visit my daughter whom I haven’t seen in five months and it is the day her friends whom she also hasn’t seen in five months finally decide to do something together. The friends win, I think it is more important that she sees them, but I am still bummed.