Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

State released the new rules of play for fall sports (if they happen) and I don’t care what you call it, but you can not call it soccer anymore. Son is now torn between wanting desperately to be on the field for his senior year season this fall and hoping the league pushes this sport to the spring with the chance of fewer changes to the rules of play at that point.

He said he’s going to have to learn a whole new sport if they play this fall. Kickball with uniforms.

It’s the first time I’ve seen him crack under all of this.

Why can’t I make a decorating decision? I am ready to buy new kitchen countertops and I can’t even decide if I want dark or light or speckled or solid color. I’ve been bringing home little samples for a month now and am no closer to deciding what I want. Have to decide soon to ensure my kitchen is in order for the holidays. Aaarrrrgh!

My daughter just admitted to me that the last straw at her old job was the day she tripped running to get to a meeting. She showed up at the conference room barely able to walk with a bleeding knee, a bleeding elbow, some ice she had taken from the office kitchen, and bloody napkins. None of her bosses or co-workers told her to go take care of herself, instead they made her sit through the entire meeting.

I don’t know where this goes from here and am beginning to consider that ignorance a respite.

Dreading the MRI tomorrow

Independent of whether we are seeing either one, systemic and systematic are not the same thing.

Ds got his promotion!!!

My husband and I are a bit anal about our outside trash can. We make sure everything is bagged, and if something might be leaking, we double bag. A couple of weeks ago the inside of the can was wet and sticky, so my husband scrubbed it clean. Our can has to stay inside our small garage, so in the heat, it can get quit smelly. Today I saw the trash truck come while I was on the deck, and figured out the problem-They put my neighbors trash into my can, then put my can on the truck to dump!

To the trash guys, I appreciate your work, but take the time to dump each can into the truck, instead of putting my neighbors trash in my can. Thank you!

Squelched. Stepped on like a bug. Squashed. Smashed.

The customer is not always right! Why do I have to fight to prove it? This isn’t a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of making a building fit together. I’m not going to back down, sigh. The frustrating thing is that I’m doing it so that everything works during construction, but they make me feel like the bad guy for raising issues now.

MTA: Ha, now are you glad I pushed? I was right, surprise.

It’s amazing how my vision improves when I clean my glasses.

Less news, more tennis this week - my mental health is trending upward!

I feel like a horrible person for actually enjoying having to drive into the office to connect to internet the last few days thanks to the tornado sweeping through my neighborhood (we’re fine but wires are down). Getting to chat with coworkers masked/social distanced in between bouts of solo work in a closed office almost makes the two hour commute worth it. I like my husband but it’s been a long five months!

I would like one - just one - week where my ex didn’t start a conflict. Part of me dreads the day my youngest turns 18 and part of me can’t wait. The day I never have to deal with my ex again will be a happy one indeed.

How many times have I accidentally touched the ‘flag’ button while scrolling?

Ever morning a coworker does a series of nasty sounding nose snort/throat clearing type of noises. I’ve been here 17 minutes and he’s done 4 already. How long before I can say something. It’s been 5 years.

I’ve been living in a bubble. I had my hair cut for the first time since February. The lady who cuts my hair is very depressed, and barely hanging on to what used to be. Her income has been down 60% or more. The owner of her salon may have to close it because he can’t pay the rent.
Many good people are really suffering due to the economic impacts of COVID.

Some days I feel like Shirley MacLaine in Terms of Endearment yelling for Debra Winger to get her pain shot. Get us the rapid testing so we can have confidence in small gatherings of family & friends as we enter the coming months when it will be too cold to be outside. I want to practice responsible social distancing, but I want to be able to spend some time with D’s family without wondering if we would be swapping germs. Now that GD is in daycare, our bubble is burst.

Really touched by today’s episode of The Daily podcast -if you are a theater fan or were a fan of the production of Godspell back in the 70’s take the 30ish minutes and listen. I’ll be listening to the soundtrack again today. <3

Kai, you are more annoying than Clippy.