Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

OMG, can you be any more pedantic?

I really can’t understand how anyone can defend him

Welcome to home ownership, son! Two and a half days without A/C in the GA heat waiting for a part and working at home with a wet towel around your neck. That’s what your emergency fund is for. Welcome to adulthood.

Please don’t bring your politics to the lake. We are not all in agreement, and I am not interested in watching your parade.

Seriously, you went to work when you’re feeling well and you knew your nephew had tested positive and you live with him. Besides the fact that you work in the medical field, you should know better. Now my daughter and co-worker are at risk because of you.

Had to run into Walgreen’s for a particular bandage needed today; otherwise would have ordered online. I appreciate all the other shoppers having their mask on; unfortunately, not a one was wearing it correctly.

Really people, why bother to have a mask on it you are going to wear it on your chin, not have your nose covered, or have it hanging around your neck? And to the sales associate that was very kind in asking if I needed help finding something as she approached me-If your mask were not on your chin, I might have accepted your offer of help.

I was this close to saying something to each and everyone of them, but wanted to make sure I wasn’t attacked or spit on, so kept my mouth shut. I just grabbed what I needed and left.

You are really never, ever coming back, are you?

Irony is dead.

My somewhat major DIY project went extremely well yesterday. Unusual for me and my house where nothing was ever installed in the standard manner. I removed a drop-in range to make ready for a new slide in. Required tearing out the cabinet below the range. Quite pleased with myself. And sore all over!

I’m sorry the whole deal on your home sale fell apart, but no earnest money and no proof of funds for a cash offer on your house? What were you (and/or your realtor) thinking??

Oh geez, talk about something else! Negativity and so much judgement. You all must be perfect people. Really, get a life!

Oh, the fact that it took place in the county where you live makes perfect sense. And the fact that you think it was a wonderful event makes me sad to call you family.

I am very lucky that I never felt like the “sandwich generation” before, but I really have both sides leaning on me now. Must steal time for self-care so I don’t lose patience or burn out.

We need lick-a-stick, home-use Covid tests so we know who is and isn’t contagious. That way, people could expand their circles and activities and meet their own needs.

Um, you’re not from around here, are you? You’re upset at our dogs being off-leash in the Maine WILDERNESS? You do realize you could run into a moose, bear, or hunters at any point? You’re not in Central Park. I was so stunned I didn’t know how to respond. I wish I had thought to ask where you were from and if you had quarantined as required.

Assuming things don’t change, any option for the holidays that makes me feel safe is going to make me the bad guy. The only safe option is for neither of us to go. I don’t want to go. I know you need to see your mother, but it isn’t as though she only lives a couple of hours away. It’s a long trip. You won’t agree to stay somewhere other than her home. It will be too cold to be outside. If you go, I might as well go, too, because you will be around your extended family and then come back. I feel backed into a corner.

I know that you would rather be at school but, I am so glad that for the first time in 4 years you are here for my birthday. :slight_smile:

You’ve been gone from our world for two years now. I think about you every day. I am so grateful for all the love you gave to us. Your encouragement meant so much to all of your children and grandchildren. Thank you.

I miss you and love you, Mom. ?

I wish we could just vote and get it over with. I envy countries with quick elections.

Stupid mosquitoes, take a break! Honestly, five minutes to the mailbox and four bites. Arghhhhh!

I do 90% of all the work for our group. Therefore, it’s very irritating when I send out a document and, rather than thanks or any really substantial comments or edits, your only response is suggesting some rewording based solely on your own personal style preferences and “voice”. Nothing is wrong grammatically. Nothing you suggested even improves readability. You changed nothing that matters one iota.