Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Listening to my former coworker tell me about the school year startup makes me sad for her … but once again convinced that leaving was the right move.

I really am losing my faith in humanity. First my daughter almost gets scammed twice this week, and then some loser calls my mom and tries to convince her he’s her grandson, in trouble in Florida and needs money! She really did believe it was my son, but had the sense to call me first. These scumbags deserve a special place in hell. ?

Let’s roll…

Went to a new gelato shop tonight. Older boy flirting with my 14 year old D. So not ready for that.

My kid games too much. It pisses me off. I hope one day he recognizes how much restraint it takes for me not to chuck his laptop out the window.

And then I remember that he needs it for school. UGH

Dang. Had I known three hours earlier I would not have renewed my subscription…

Former co-worker and her replacement. Both early forties. Both on their blasted cell phones all day long. Is it too much to ask for your undivided attention for two minutes so I can ask a work-related question? I would think you would be old enough to put the phone down. My kids, ages 30 and 33, are not on their phones as much you are.

Just go away.

One of my sophomore’s teachers (HS) is proving to be an idiot when it comes to grading. He shouldn’t have to keep emailing her about work she reports as missing when he has time stamped evidence that it was completed and turned in. He’ll do the work, you do the grading, Thank goodness for grade change push notifications - every time she records a 0, his grade drops and he’s prompted to look at what she did in the grade book, but - he shouldn’t have to constantly be checking up on you to get things fixed. This is the third time in three weeks - and it’s not a new grading platform either.

First tooth extraction since my wisdom teeth were removed 45 years ago. Oww. Pain go away. Just disappear.

I’ve had it with census workers in my rural area. I completed mine in spring.

First one shows 7 pm and scares my daughter. No census ID, bag, or other things they should have. A driver’s license, maybe…D wouldn’t get close enough to verify Unmasked (state has mask mandate) and I read Census Bureau mandates it. She tells him I completed it.

Twice in the next three days different people show up, UNMASKED again. I called out the second one on it. I reaffirm it’s completed and she just keeps coming towards my screen door and will not leave. Pushier than any salesman. Three strikes–you’re out. I’m done!

Tinder? During a pandemic? Really???

Dad, I’m so mad at you right now I can’t even call you for awhile. Nobody would tell me directly, but just hinted around (because they knew how furious I would be). I did some investigating and discovered you and Mom are attending church and a potluck lunch each Sunday. And you’re not distancing while eating. For a smart man, you are being so dumb. I am really disappointed in you. And how dare you call Mom childish for not doing Weight Watchers?? She has no significant physical problems - she will be fine. You, on the other hand, still have VERY serious lung issues. You are not only endangering yourself, but your wife, caregivers, medical professionals, etc.

I need to let this go, but I’m not sure that I can.

I know my daughter is depressed. There are two things that would make her happy, physically going into an office to socialize with people and seeing her friends (including boyfriend) in person. Unfortunately neither of these are under my control or her control.

Oh, Lions. Must you break my heart like this???

Thank you to the guy who was kind enough to stop and ask if we were Ok when my son took a tumble going over railroad tracks today.
He wasn’t hurt terribly, but it was so nice to see someone just be kind to strangers. He had a bike rack on the back of his car, and I’m pretty sure he would have let my son ride with him if he was hurt.

Fortunately for you, I won’t call you out for having that procedure that you now condemn. But I know.

Oh, my gosh, I started piano lessons today after a 30-year hiatus. I was a very serious player through high school and studied again in my late 20s. I will start out this time by playing a Bach French Suite and a Mozart Sonata. I’m so happy I could cry.

Forgetting to tell my elderly parents until preop that my father may have to stay overnight if they can’t get the stent in the preferred location is NOT okay. Don’t insinuate it’s bc of their age. My mother writes down everything!!!

Just a glance at your timeline reminds me of why I have to ‘mute’ you. Your negativity is utterly exhausting. :neutral: