Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Well, this is much worse news than I had been lead to believe.

FIL, I have no idea how you and others can listen to that show. Iā€™ve had to endure it three times now - once with my youngest and his wife - and none of us can figure out how they get any audience. Yet you choose to listen to that nonsense and fact check nothing.

It explains a lot really, but I wish I could tune it out (as H says he does). Iā€™m really glad no one in my family cares for those types of shows!

I am so over quarantining. I am so over this dog dying over the course of months and months and you just keep saying, Letā€™s wait a while longer before we have him euthanized. I am so over having him bark at me for no apparent reason, other than that heā€™s either senile or in pain. I am so over doing everything for someone else ā€“ shopping, laundry, cooking. I even drove 25 minutes each way to trade a jigsaw puzzle with someone ā€“ who didnā€™t show up ā€“ so you could have something new to do. Iā€™m sick of being the only one who waters the plants. Iā€™m sick of having to remind you to go to the doctor. And Iā€™m sick of trying to be upbeat and pretending that eating in the dining room instead of the kitchen once in a while is such a wonderful change of pace. Iā€™m sick of watching HGTV because watching the news stations makes me too anxious.

I am just sick of this entire year.

We have lived in this house for over 30 years. In the past year we have had nature problems we never had before - a yellow jacket nest under the steps, a swarm of cluster flies in the basement, a raccoon using our deck as a latrine, two slugs mating on my basement window, and a preying mantis on my upstairs window.

Please stop judging me. I know you think you are more interesting and more intelligent than I am, I get the message.

Dad, you need a new dentist. This one sucks. I am tempted to report him.

Dear BIL, I wish I could come up and help with your dad. You shouldnā€™t have to deal with all of this yourself. Iā€™m sorry H refuses to get involved.

Well isnā€™t that funny- you did say something hurtfulā€¦

I donā€™t care if you are a relative. I think I am going to have to unfriend you. Your ignorance is breathtaking, and you share it much too often.

Gender reveal parties are strictly for idiots.

Who knew a two year old cat could be diagnosed with heart issues that will likely take his life way too early. I feel for you lad, but someone was looking out for your buddy when they had you fall in love with him to adopt him. Who else can better care for a kitty in need than someone in the medical world? You will give him as much quality of life as he can get.

But I know it hurts when youā€™ve gotten attached and expected a typical lifetime together.

I donā€™t want to take my avatar to be euthanized today, but itā€™s time.

Looking forward to fall, which here means days of low 80s/high 70s, but at least that allows me to get back to walking or to maybe go somewhere that has outside seating for coffee or a meal and not burn up.

Downside, I hate fall TV while weā€™re in the ā€œ30 days of halloweenā€ time frame. Donā€™t want to binge watch horror movies. Thank you for Britbox.

Time for a diaper change!

Oh no! Can this year get any worse?

Well, that just sucks.

Heartbroken. Just, heartbroken. ??

Things are about to get 1000 times nastierā€¦

I feel utterly despondent

No. No no no no no no no

I am heartbroken