Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I can’t stop crying. I am so afraid of the ramifications and hate that grief is overshadowed by the fear of the next steps.

This week’s sign of the apocolypse.

So very sad. She’s a hero to my daughter, my sisters, my nieces, and me. And I’ll be sure to teach my dear granddaughter all about her.

Okay, 2020. You have stepped over the line now.

I have not posted in a while and don’t intend to post much going forward, but today I need to get it off my chest.

RIP, RBG. RIP, the US Constitution.

Such a sad day!

So tired of the never ending drama.

As if this day hasn’t been crappy enough, a 4.6 magnitude earthquake as I’m about to drift off to sleep really just caps it. Wide awake now…?

Heartbroken. 2020…just end now.

I can already tell that I’m going to spend a lot of time watching HGTV this weekend.

So let me get this straight- you’re getting all preachy to someone and yet your plan involves all kinds of risk- and by the way it’s you’re not your for like the 100th time.

Well, happy “talk like a pirate” day. Arrrgh, Arrrgh… we ever going to get through this nightmare of a year??

“I can’t be a pessimist because I am alive. To be a pessimist means that you have agreed that human life is an academic matter. So, I am forced to be an optimist. I am forced to believe that we can survive, whatever we must survive.” - James Baldwin

I think the end of this great experiment may be nigh. I hope not, but it’s looking more like it every minute.

Just wow.

EWWWWWW. Just ewwwwwww. Could you be any less appropriate? It’s going to be very hard to ever look at you the same again.

I am sick of cooking. Sick of it. It almost seems more burdensome since there are only two of us. Dh isn’t picky and willingly eats leftovers, but I’m still sick of it. Not a fan of take-out, especially if it has to be reheated. I suppose it’s good that I have dh to cook for - otherwise I’d live on dill pickles and cheese.

Like many way-too-convenient internet stories, I’m not ready to believe she even said that.

Reflecting this morning on how some only want to believe what is convenient for them despite evidence to the contrary. I get disagreeing on opinion, but some things are factual.

I do respect the amount of work you put into organizing the fall faculty/staff meeting. It was well organized and smoothly run. It probably exactly meets the needs of the state office that you have to show the results to to keep the grant money coming in.

But honestly. You gave us nothing new that will improve our no-longer-emergency-but-definitely-still-remote online teaching. You didn’t even give us time to exchange information with each other in those breakout rooms because we were completing the dopey tasks that were assigned. It was just luck that one person in my breakout group mentioned that students can’t switch between apps reliably when attending classes on their phones. That is a huge piece of information that all of us need to know! That it was news to you tells me just exactly how out of touch you are with those of us in the virtual classrooms.

Oh, and when the new editions of the textbooks for the courses I teach become available, I’m not driving across the county to pick them up. If I have to, I’ll pay the postage myself to have them sent to me. That you “can’t do that” in the middle of a pandemic is flat-out ridiclous.