Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

That was less than satisfying. I know you’re unhappy, but I despair you ever will be happy.

This is a minor vent. My friend arrived for Rosh Hashanah meal when my AC went out. His suggestion, “Lets go out for dinner.” Everything cooked and table set with flowers. It got worse from there.

My neighbor said he’d be over to help me get slug out ( tho my AC company here within the month), but 3x he said he’d come by and hasn’t. It’s 89’ I even told the neighbor I took my puppy to walk around the mall today, just to be in AC. So tomorrow AM, I have to be in office. I will take the puppy with me, as I can’t leave her alone in this heat. At least I’m. It suffering from smoke and fires.

Happy to have my IPAD back. Now I just have to wait and find out if the cost of fixing ($300 or so) will be covered bc of the extra year warranty of COSTCO visa.
Fingers crossed.

For goodness sakes, I think someone is trigger happy today.

Wow. Just simply WOW.

Okay…I like roses.

Bunnies are cute.

Chicken soup is good.

Life in certain places is banal and bland

This crisis wasn’t necessary. No one lives forever. If you are over 80 and your friend the president suggests you retire, do so. Preserve your legacy and civil discourse.

Who does a group text at midnight? And worse yet… who answers it??

Boy, you sure pushed my button

Haven’t these students been through enough?!? Classes suspended for two days means no class professors, not attend unless you are moving in to your dorm at the exact time as class. And bookstore, mailing required class materials 5 weeks after they were ordered and 2 weeks after class has started so that they arrive at the student’s home a day after she has moved to campus is NOT helpful.

Oh that is sad. Predictable - but still sad. But, one must sing in the assigned score or dismissed from the choir.

Subservient. There, I said it. Now let’s consider all that implies.

I avoided this non-profit board for the last 10 years because I knew it would be more aggravation than it was worth. Everyone knows what needs done, and everyone knows that the banker will drop the ball. Again. The only thing he has been reliable about for the last 10 years is being unreliable.

Pull the trigger already. This volunteer spot shouldn’t be taking so much of my time during working hours, especially when we all know where it is going. Just get there and move on.

Also FYI I pretty much said that in an email to the group, and threatened to resign if we don’t get this decision done and over with. I have mixed feelings, if they try to call my bluff then I don’t have to deal with this anymore. It isn’t a bluff. I’m trying to do my part and contribute, but my quality of life goes up if I quit.

So maybe this post shouldn’t be here because I did say it directly? Apparently I forgot my filter at home today.

Another one bites the dust. :frowning:

I’m really starting to resent this job.

I’m afraid our granddaughters will have to have the fight all over again. : (

I miss the 80s.

Feels like groundhog kinda day.
Im sick of 2020.
I have zip motivation.
I feel like telling S21 to forget about applications and just apply to local school since I’m not optimistic lately at all that college will ever be anything exciting anytime soon (or ever again).
I think I should just go watch the Grinch or smthg.

Edited to add: Apparently my dogs concur about 2020: they just smelled up the high heavens while napping on the couch. Lovely.

Life Advice for future business owners:

Be sure to keep your employees gruntled.

Someone finally figured out what CRT is and what to do about it.

The same school that cancelled the October SAT will now be hosting the first game of the varsity soccer season at the very time the SAT would have happened. So kids can’t sit socially distanced with masks in classrooms to take the SAT but full contact sports among whole teams of kids is okay.

I don’t know which way is the right choice. What I’d LOVE is a little consistency in decision-making. Just a little.