Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Ugh, I made a big mistake on a project. I hate that. :frowning: I try to be so careful.

I am so so so tired of your inapprorpiate texts. I hate that our sons are best friends.

Well, time to face facts - we will be wearing masks for awhile. I have used a lot of leftovers from sewing for girls when little, all very summery. Today (sigh) I pulled out my stash of cotton plaids for fall themed masks. :frowning: Itā€™s fineā€¦

Day four of the fall class. Day four of tech issues. This time though it wasnā€™t Zoom. It was four students separately reporting that they donā€™t have the materials I sent before the first class, and that they supposedly were using in each of the first three classes. Did students #2, #3, and #4 not hear my responses to student #1? This is what happens when a class only meets twice a week. If we met more often (like we do in the summer session) they wouldnā€™t have so much time to forget stuff between classes.

Continuously SMH - one a hypocrite and one an idiot.

Feeling so depressed by the news yesterday - ā€œnearly 400 whales dead in Australiaā€™s largest-ever mass strandingā€¦ā€

And toxic algae caused mysterious widespread deaths of 330 elephants in Botswana.

We can only hope we will know an answer/outcome in 40 days. I have my doubts.

Hoping for an enormous, breathtaking, all encompassing landslide in 40 days.

Yep, go ahead and ignore facts. Continue to act like babies or actually much worse.

It works quite well for me to think, ā€œPost on Facebook as if you were a moderatorā€¦ā€ Ack, itā€™s hard to hold my tongue sometimes.

I need to spend more time with my cats, who donā€™t worry about a thing!

No, no, no. The 29-year-old son of a friend who lost her husband to cancer two years ago has gone missing. I donā€™t have a good feeling about it. This year really has been the worst ever.

Nothing on Netflix looks good. What on earth will I do now?

Dear MIT,

I hope you cross-check ECs of applicants this year because I just heard that some kids will be applying this year and probably taking credit for something a junior started. Most of the teachers (recommenders) at our school will likely say the kids did what they say they did on their resume ā€“ big, public school. Well one teacher knows very well who started it, but this person loves this particular race of ORMs and is on a trip to get them to big name schools or win scholarships and will probably lie on their supplemental recommendation if submitted. If you google the name of the community organization the kids will claim to have started this initiative at and the thing they will claim to have started, you will see that it was started by someone else who won an award for it. Just a heads up ā€“ they will try to appear ā€œniceā€ due to this initiative, but they will be lying if they do this. Please do not rely on teacher recommendations ā€“ google it! I can tell you the ā€œmeanā€ things a couple of them have done to other kids ā€“ trust me, you do not want them there!

A concerned citizen

I donā€™t think you understand how the Constitution works.

The increase in the number of constitutional scholars continues to amaze.

I told you so

Funny. When things are written in such a neutral manner - so as to not offending the easily offended and thus be erasedā€¦one can agree and like a statement - and still be supporting the exact opposite position as that intended by the writer.


Um, we havenā€™t even been out to dinner since this started. No, you cannot invite yourselves to come stay overnight with us in our home.