Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

This is sooooooooo boring. Yawn!

Clearly we need an international clearinghouse for universities.

No sign of my friendā€™s son. :frowning: The terrain in the area where he parked is so rugged that the state warden service said they donā€™t want any civilians assisting in the search. Itā€™s frustrating not to be able to help. At least my friendā€™s two other adult children are with her.


There is literally nothing for you to be proud of, boys.

Literally feel like a moment of silence is the opposite of what I need to do at 5pm today.

When you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.

Digging out the older games. Iā€™d forgotten how much fun Aggravation is!

The body of my friendā€™s son was found. Having lost my nephew to suicide, itā€™s almost unbearable to think of what the family will be going through. :frowning:

Having this feeling that while I support yard signs for elections local and beyond, I can see that I canā€™t help but be affected and Iā€™ll say it - judgmental- by the signage I am seeing in some neighbors yards. Division is really an awful thing right now.

Doesnā€™t anyone think about offending their neighbors? Iā€™m personally not interested in your politics or your religion and I definitely donā€™t want you to try to convince me you are right.

Does ANYONE think they are convincing their neighbors by hanging signs? Really. Have you ever thought that you might be ticking off people whom you like? Or who liked you? Every time they drive down their street. Hmm. Thatā€™s a lot of dislike.

Was driving out of state, up North and saw that most signs are in the trees in wooded areas. At least they are anonymous. Weird but not connected to someoneā€™s home. Do they have a tree hanging crew?

Now that was worth waiting for.

I donā€™t earn any money through work, but I still have to pay a lot in taxes. How come you donā€™t?

Youā€™re a fraud and a loser. And now the evidence is there for everyone to see.

Canā€™t wait til Tuesday eve!

I would have preferred to take you out to dinner at your favorite local restaurant for your big day, but I guess if SHE has a coupon we will go to the chain place instead.

Next time just let the armed felon kidnap the children. It will probably work out fine.

I cannot believe the amount of divorce fallout I have seen since Covid began. Couples I would have never expected to split up, have. Many things just couldnā€™t continue to be hidden. Makes me super thankful for my dh and marriage.

Is she more to you? Youā€™re one sick puppy.

So this is what itā€™s like to be muzzled.