Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Great weekend of college football! Feels nice to have a sense of Saturday normalcy after so many weeks of zero sports. World Series soon. My spirits are picking up!

Was just trying to be helpful, and your high-handed, rude response has made me seriously rethink staying on in any capacity. Did you forget that I am only still involved in the group because you asked me to be there for you?!

So we just bought a house at the end of a cul de sac in a very nice neighborhood 6 months ago. We have a very long driveway, shared with 2 other houses which have all of our mailboxes clustered at the end. Because of the pandemic We’ve had very little direct contact with these neighbors but so far, everything has been cordial.

This impression has totally changed upon our return yesterday after several days away working on our old house, preparing to put it on the market. As we approached our driveway there was a cluster of signs in front of all 3 mailboxes, supporting a candidate who we most definitely do NOT support. There were additional signs up the driveway and onto the neighbors‘ properties (none of the 3 houses on the shared drive are visible in any way from the street because the driveway is long and the lots are heavily wooded.

DH and I were both appalled and furious. In our initial rage we discussed removing or “altering” the signs and composed a very angry email (which is still unsent and in draft form). We are so disappointed and depressed and will never encounter these people again without remembering that they thought it was fine to do this without so much as asking us, and that they are the kind of people who support positions we consider indecent. In the end, all I’m going to do is put the sign I ordered yesterday (for the candidate we do support) in front of our own mailbox, and another sign for a cause I assume these people definitely don’t support, prominently in our own front yard (visible to no one but the neighbors). We’ve never cared or asked our previous neighbors about their political affiliations before and have never put signs of any kind in our own yard. However, I will NOT risk anyone thinking that we support this candidate (mortified at the very idea) so they’ve left us with no choice.

I know that the entire neighborhood isn’t like this. We’ve just been unfortunate that we apparently moved into the section dominated by glass bowls.

Damn this work thing

Being back to AT WORK 100% of the time and trying to catch up is not fun.
But, I am certainly happy to have a job and a paycheck.

Some researcher at Harvard got my email address and I answered the political questionnaire. So many questions on what I know about my neighbors and their voting intentions!

I have no clue. 50 houses. I haven’t seen a bumper sticker and I’ve seen only 1 small yard flag.

While we’re not the “closest” neighborhood, I love that none of us feel the need to share our political intentions.

Please don’t schedule a zoom meeting at the last minute for noon and then cancel it 10 minutes after it should have started

Happy my neighbors and I can vote for different candidates, and also have friendly cul-de-sac happy hours.

Received my ballot on Saturday, but my gosh! How many state constitutional amendments and how many city and county amendments must I try to interpret b/c the language of them is completely lawyer speak!!!

For those of us who are trying to be responsible citizens researching these amendments, it would be nice to have simpler language. I have a PhD and had to call a friend (a judge) to help me decipher them. SMH. How many people will just aimlessly check boxes without due diligence in what they are endorsing or not?

Sigh. Frustrated.

After reading about the latest social media idiocy, I’m starting to think that one should have to have a license, similar to a FCC license to post something on the internet.

I think I really screwed that up. Crossing my fingers & hoping it doesn’t make a difference. It cost enough to get it done in the first place.

And I might need to get rid of FB. It’s way too creepy how it knows everything 
 even with the “best” privacy settings. Now I am getting loan repayment information posts from Federal Student Aid!!!

So much to get off my chest today! I can’t do it anymore 
 Green Acres, it is.

I can’t. I just can’t. This is appalling

No words. And the world laughs and shakes its head.

Oh my.

There is an adult in the room but the kids are too far out of control for one poor adult to manage.

Complete train wreck. Embarrassing. I can no longer watch.

Preach honey! America First!

Let him talk. He can hang himself all on his own.

‘Will you shut up, man!’ or ‘He wouldn’t know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn’ HaHa!