Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

This remake of Cocoon is terrible

Hmmmm. You better check yourself. You are starting to stress out your handlers. I will give you thisā€¦ your earpiece served you well.

I thought mics could be shut off.

Hmm, my overwhelming feeling is that of John Belushi in ā€œAnimal Houseā€

ā€œHoly ****!ā€

ā€œHoly ****!ā€

I kind of feel better that he didnā€™t treat a man any better than a woman. I can now just say he is a jerk to everyone.

What the heck was that???

How utterly embarrassing.

Iā€™m here listening to quite the windy rain storm outside and watching large waves roll in on a river - at night(!) - the white caps make them gorgeous as they bash up on the sea wall (also highlighting why sea walls are needed).

From what Iā€™ve recently read - I have the best entertainment of the evening. No regrets!

Glad I have two passports but hope not to need them.

I am so embarrassed to be an American.

Whose bright idea was it to have a drinking game during the event? What a hangover. Someone please pass the Advil.

I cannot understand how so many people can think that is appropriate behavior in a child, let alone a ā€œleader.ā€ I am dismayed more by that than one personā€™s problem - that there are so many enablers

You are a racist. Full stop. That is all we (should) need to know.

H shared a post from one of his high school classmates with me this morning. It showed a campaign flag ordered/received with plans to put it up. Then it showed the same flag with a Made In China label on it. Then it showed the flag ripped in half. The classmate isnā€™t changing sides, but said heā€™s dropping out of the race due to his disgust. This isnā€™t a repost and H knows the guy going back years. He knows he supported his candidate.

I gotta admit, it never occurred to me that anyone in charge of either candidate for a national election would be that dumb. To anyone in this position reading - make sure your items are Made in the USA, esp if you are talking about the US economy!

Now it has H musing if he should ask the neighbors where their flag was made. Theyā€™ve had it for quite some time. He probably wonā€™t open that can of worms though.

I am incredibly sad this morning. Iā€™m also sad for my AA daughter who has to go through this, and this is after raising her in a racist county in the south that was always in National news. This makes the 5 years I raised her there look calm, which it was for the most part okay. Please vote!!!

HS classmate - this is at least the 3rd time you have had a FaceBook post called out as not true. Will you please start checking them BEFORE you post?

Dear one-star reviewer,

Itā€™s not your ā€œdutyā€ to call out an employee by name & call for them to be fired on a public platform.

We looked at your Google review history & WOW. You reviewed all those businesses in just the last three weeks?! Enjoy your points and status as Local Guide Level 5!

And what is it, exactly, that you are contributing to this world?


I am done with people who bully and insult a personā€™s disability. If you donā€™t know what it means to struggle with a stutter, then GOOGLE it.

This county sits in ignorance and canā€™t be bothered to access the power at their literal fingertips to actually learn something and be smarter today than they were yesterday.

No, no, noooooo! Not Calistoga!! My heart aches for everyone affected by the fires. ?

Dear Chrissy and John.
Iā€™m very sorry you lost this baby. Been there, and itā€™s a sad time. Take care.