Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

FIL, you’re 92. This IS your retirement when you can use the money you’ve saved up for it guilt-free. Considering you have to have multiple banks to overcome the FDIC insurance limit, you have more than enough to stop worrying about using coupons for fast food. If you want potato cakes from Arbys instead of curly fries - get them! Or let H buy them for you. It’s ok if you don’t use the coupon because it doesn’t allow for substitutions. Our budget is fine too so it’s ok if H buys what he wants rather than having to stick with a coupon item.

And since I’m at it, get the coffee you want in the morning rather than going to the place where it’s 20 cents cheaper. You water it down anyway so you can make one senior coffee last for two mornings. That’s a whopping 10 cents you save.

It’s also ok to buy grapes even if they’re more than 99 cents/lb since you love them.

There’s a big difference between these things and spending frivolously or being taken in by scams.

I really wish you could grasp this concept. You’ve worked for and saved your money. Use it on things you like. The last dime doesn’t need to go to your kids. H would rather see you enjoying things you like too - it’s not just me.

Hey neighbors, there’s a difference between teenagers building a fort in the woods and hardened criminals.

She’s also a Rhodes Scholar. What? She wasn’t a Rhodes Scholar in Oxford England but went to Rhodes College in Tennessee?

Oops, my bad. It’s what I had written down.

May we live in interesting times.

So sad. Too bad.

How Convenient !!! I call BS . So sad that I don’t believe anything coming out of that White House anymore. Karma is a Beeyotch .

Judging by the twitter reaction, a lot of people are going to have to remove the “No Hate Here” signs from their yards.


I feel great about this. And I don’t feel guilty about feeling great about this.

2020 What a year. When do the dragons emerge from underground?

I cannot rejoice in another’s misfortune. I will never compromise my morals and ethics, because they are not situational. I hope others feel the same.

The third anniversary of Route 91 has come and gone, and I can’t believe how many people seem to have already forgotten. Is it any wonder we can’t make progress on gun reform? Thank you to the one person who reached out to me yesterday.

Time to cancel this god-awful reality show.

What does it say about me that my gut reaction was to not believe it?

I woke up this morning and it’s still bizarro world. I’m not sure what to believe anymore.

I am an atheist and thus don’t believe in an afterlife. That is only a problem when I think some reprehensible people will never get what they deserve. This morning, I am holding out hope for justice.

Karma’s a ■■■■■.

And just like that, a non-randomized trial of remdesivir started…

C’mon! Admit it, you had a twinge of pleasure!

I have this strange sense of worry for Dr. Jill Biden.