Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

This is one way for the debates to be cancelled.

Why does this seem to be more strategic than medical?

After an inpatient health admission and having to get bailed out of jail, lets just hope the kid is truly on the up and up with his mental health and rocks out the new job and stays on his meds!

Posts today will provide a window into your character, just keep that in mind.

Thank goodness for a bit of good news

The programmers of our simulation for 2020 continue to say:

“Hold my beer!”

I only hope that as a result of this, many people who have been deniers will finally realize the pandemic is not a hoax, and will start to take seriously preventative measures like masks and distancing.

Disliking someone personally because they have done something bad to you or others is NOT the same as hating someone because of their race,ethnicity,gender,faith practice,orientation, etc.

I’m setting a new goal for this year - to retrain my boss in some areas. If I succeed we will be so much more efficient!

I went to Harvard.

Ok, I went to the bookstore and bought a sweatshirt, but I now can say “I went to Harvard!”

Reading comments on public boards makes me thankful for the community I live in, and worried for the future of our country. Oh well, if things go badly at least my kids are old enough to remember what it was like to live in a somewhat free country.

So many, many thoughts (and some prayers, too).

deleted for privacy reasons

This is surreal.

The hypocrisy is mind blowing!

I wish the President the same amount of compassion, care, and goodwill that he has extended to others who have tested positive.

I haven’t gotten within six feet of my parents since February, even while wearing a mask. I haven’t been able to hug them because I don’t want to take a chance at getting that close.

And now I see these pictures of a crowd, hugging, shaking hands, no masks, and you’re starting to get sick. Are you kidding me? After all we know now? So much idiocy and irresponsibility is hard to comprehend. COVID doesn’t care if you’re rich, famous or powerful.

I wonder if you would be so callous if you weren’t under the cloak of anonymity. Is there no decency left?

I am appalled at the callousness of putting other people’s lives at risk. Reading about the choices your people made Tuesday and Wednesday, not to mention that party Saturday, makes me actually sick to my stomach. I pray innocent people who didn’t have the information and were trying their best to protect themselves don’t get sick or worse.

This is what a responsible person does: when the lives of others depend on you, you stop recklessly endangering yourself. You stop climbing mountains, jumping off cliffs, or going maskless into crowds in the middle of a pandemic. You do it for the sake of others. I really hope you have a fast recovery, and our country does not descend into a deeper turmoil. At the same time, I hope we could get a real adult in charge here!!

Some days I feel like Andy Cohen trying to host a Real Housewives reunion