Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Sad and crazy to me that this needs to be said “Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok have a message to users: Wishing for the president to die is not allowed.”

Wishing for anybody’s death on social media can never be acceptable behavior. This is what is wrong with our society today.

I selfishly hope that this will make my employer rethink their protocols. And also my big boss who has yet another one of his “safety meetings” being held at the end of the month. 40 people in one room exactly 6 feet apart (measured by a stick) for 2 hours with no masks with a buffet breakfast to boot! I am already planning to use my floating “Juneteenth” holiday for this one, but it would be nice to feel like I’m not trying to get out of something. And to not have to worry s about the upcoming ones in January and April.

If these experimental treatments truly are the ‘magic elixir’, make them available to those in most need, NOW! I understand there will not be enough to treat everybody, but those in most need should be given the same advantage as those who have privilege.

Umm. “since diagnosis 72 hours ago”

Somebody has some explaning to do…

Sometimes someone I dislike does something brilliant, and it has to be acknowledged. Well done, George Takei.

Completely and utterly selfish.

It’s so sad that so many who think they are good people find it acceptable to wish death to another human being

Steaming. A day of prayer tomorrow NOW Governor? Was it not enough that 200K+ plus people died and hundreds of thousands more sick - before you decided to suck up and call a day of prayer now after developments this week?!

I am a follower of Albert Camus’ Absurdism.

I am very jaded, sometimes called cyncial.

But still, I litterally cannot believe what they have done and that they will not come clean when ** other people’s heath is on the line.**

This last piece of information that I should have had long, long ago, is an exact example of what I was talking about when I asked each of you about setting up a better communication loop. Your refusing to have anything to do with that means that I am entirely free to follow my life model the Little Red Hen and do it myself. And doing it myself means I don’t have to pay attention to you, or have any sensitivity to any feet I (or anyone else) step on in the process of creating a functional loop. Right now, I’m hoping that you get trampled. Deliberately neglecting to share information looks a lot like betrayal to people who should have had that information but didn’t.

Sorry about all those typos. I’m a little bit spun up about all this, especially for the reporters and the Cleveland clinic staff. Since it is the weekend and soon to be 5:00 p.m., I’ll head over to the sinner’s alley happy hour thread.

The real test in life has always been can you behave better than the people who anger you/are your enemies ? The answer on social media is apparently not.

Hope the take away for my kids in 2020 is how badly people behaved not hatred for those with whom they disagree. Walk away and think good thoughts. Life is short and hatred is hard to carry.

I’m nervous about this.

It’s been weird to keep seeing people chiding others to behave better than their own folk have. A constant stream of “yeah we know belittle and make fun of and insult all the time but we get away with it because you are supposed to be better.” Like Lucy and the dang football.

I don’t wish death on anyone. And also it would have been nice for Twitter to have made that rule for all the regular folk, more often than not women and/or POC, who’ve had death and harm wished at them for years.

But better late than never.

Anger? Nope, Good Trouble.

Interesting. Maybe my wish will come true. Since Friday, nearly 20% of the inmates housed next door are now known to be positive. It is being reported they aren’t sure if they should go ahead and test the remaining inmates. (Really?) But they have (finally) instituted mandatory mask wearing for all employees! Apparently just asking people questions and taking temps doesn’t work well. Golly gee. It’s only for their group, but just maybe we might wake up too? (Fingers crossed)

Bringing your own plexiglass barrier to a debate? Best thing I’ve seen all day, sir.

On Thursday, we decided to pay off our mortgage. It sounded like a somewhat good decision at that time. Today, it sounds like a great decision. Being debt-free beats clinging to those few shares in the times of this great uncertainty.

Now you boys deserve the name. Thank you and I hope you’re making a lot of those other guys apoplectic this morning.

I really wish people would just take a moment to reflect. And stop being such partisans and lose their humanity.