Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m reminded of Enid Strict reading some of these posts.

Recovery then prison.

One town in my state has driven up our Covid counts, putting us on other state’s bad lists which means now I can’t visit my out-of-state daughter. So glad we visited last month when both states were clear.

Not a lot of traffic on the high road this year :wink:

And just when you think it can’t get any stupider… time for a joy ride!!

Switching TV to Shark Tank…

What happened to isolating when you are positive for the virus? Sure, lets put the driver and countless other people in harms way for a photo op. WTH!?!

The meaning of the word Narcissist, has been elevated to new heights. SMH
Oh, and btw - the doctors should be disciplined for this level of recklessness

That takes the Secret Service saying Taking a bullet for the President, to a whole new level!

What an idiotic and reckless publicity stunt . Sooo said.

And to think some people can’t even see spouses, parents, or children.

No one should be that far above the masses. No one.

Someone so desperate for adulation - and no one able or willing to stop him.

We have all been remarkably civil, in a roundabout, cryptic kind of way. Maybe, if we are very good and promise not to throw food, we will be permitted to move to the adults table one day, where we can have a real conversation!

And I get to not see my family for the holidays this year. I’m lucky I know that, so many people missing so many important milestones. Or missing loved ones.

So let me get this right: my 86 year old father battling cancer, collapsed at home early this morning, and had to be taken in ambulance to hospital without even my mother accompanying him bc of COVID.

And the entire day he was in ER room
again, without my 76 year old mother (or me!) bc of hospital Covid protocols and I then see on news that this person is taking a joyride to feed his narcissism and unending quench for attention?

I can’t write what I’m thinking.

An attending physician at Walter Reed, Dr James Philips, said what is on the minds of people of conscience; I hope he doesn’t get fired for speaking out

I switched from the news to Love Boat. If I have to see something dumb, at least let it make me smile (even if I did lose a few IQ points in the process).

So entertained by the crowd whose leader paved the low road, now preaching about the high road. I mean, you kick people enough times…

Hubris. There’s not a better word to describe…

Clearly, too many people out there did not have their first job be as a lifeguard. None of this behavior would get past the people I worked with or the boss I worked for. The whole lot of them would be expelled for the rest of the season.