Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

NOW??? NOW, you “learned a lot about COVID?” SMH

You can only learn from your own experience? How limiting.

I am tired of my friend’s ranting. She rants about everything. It’s exhausting.

Family Motto: ‘I don’t care, do you?’ How apropos.

I know I’ve posted about her before, but I spent the weekend with a dear friend, who turned 60 last week and has Alzheimer’s. DH and I both noticed she has declined noticeably since we saw her a couple of months ago. So bleeping unfair and cruel. Her husband may have to retire early to take care of her. And she is fully aware of her decline. :frowning:

Puts my problems, and even national ones, in perspective for me.

“Well, the landslide will bring it down
Oh, the landslide will bring it down”


I shouldn’t have laughed I shouldn’t have laughed I shouldn’t have laughed…

I really enjoy playing online bridge with you, but if you don’t want us to talk during bidding (even though we are trying to help each other learn) then please for the love of Pete stop answering your phone and/or having ongoing conversations with people in your house when we are trying to play.

Well case and point yet again.

I like bunnies, kittens are cute and here is a recipe.

“Don’t be afraid of COVID!” he says. This, after probably hiding his positive test result until he could no longer do so, deteriorating to the point of needing to be hospitalized, given oxygen, given experimental treatment not widely available and pumped up on steroids.


Just can’t comprehend this way of thinking and talking.

Another 45 minute phone call with my mother and she never once asked about my kids or husband.

I understand why you get cutting-edge medicines and amazing medical care for free, and I do not begrudge you that. But DO NOT pretend that this is par for the course. It is not.

More reason to think we all need to move on.

…sometimes wonder how long till I’m the last poster on parent cafe, and who will be next to last…

Some people think they know everything.
Turns out, they don’t know jack

To coin an oft used phrase, ’ we’ll see what happens’. and an equally oft used word, ‘disgraceful’

Somebody, anybody, please wake me up.

Meanwhile, back at The People’s House, the mask comes off (for a photo op), which is a spit in the eye to everybody, and every family affected by, and afflicted with this terrible disease. This is a total, and reckless disregard for taxpayer funded medical treatment, not available to people who actually pay taxes, and for the people who put their lives at risk to treat him. Just, WOW!