Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Steroids can cause derangement beyond the normal day-to-day derangement.

Not every student goes to a highly selective college.
They turn out fine

SO many Karen’s

Weird day. More than one occasion today where people in “power” really let it go to their head. Literally, HERE, there and everywhere.

A huge opportunity has been squandered.

Better than being brainwashed

I liked Cobra Kai ?

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Please, no more posts, obvious or subtle, about the President or politics. They’ve gotten out of hand.

This is a request from the moderating team, not just me. It is an instruction, not a suggestion. Please don’t test us.

I posted a couple of chairs on FB Marketplace 10 days ago. Today, I get my first message of “Is this item still available.” I answer “yes” and she says “send your address.” I don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe a little more small talk. Maybe some questions about the details like measurements or do they recline or rock or something. Feels like wham, bam, thank you, ma’am.

I checked her FB page. Seems like a legit person and English may not be her first language.

P.S. She’ll be here at 6:00.

OMG! My wish came true. My “safety” meeting had been cancelled due to Covid!!! Woo hoo!!! Best news today!!!

Ten years. Every summer for ten years I’d plan a trip to Europe for the four of us, because you said you wanted to go, and I know your husband desperately wanted to go. And every year when it started to get down to the details, you’d cancel for some trivial reason. The last time when you said you were unable to get your passport because you’d run out of printer ink and couldn’t print the application, I knew it was never going to happen. Then I said we could go anywhere in the world, to do anything you wanted, any time, and I’d pay. Even a trip to a luxurious spa, close to home, no problem. Always an excuse.

Now you’re in Covid heaven because you don’t have to see anyone or go anywhere, you can just shelter in place and get your groceries and everything else delivered. You have the perfect excuse to never leave your yard. You’ll likely never see your parents again, and will rarely see your children (but only if they come to visit, of course).

You knew you needed therapy, but you always refused to go. Covid has normalized what would otherwise be considered mental illness.

I knew my day was too good to be true. I noticed our heat isn’t working. The boiler is only 2 years old! Called the company and they doubt they’ll be here today. Omg. I don’t think I can get through a single day without something breaking, getting screwed up and needing attention that typically results in me beating my head against the wall. Every
 and if it’s not one things, it’s two or three or four or you get the idea.

When you give a snotty child the ability to belittle adults
the adults will leave the room.

The learning curve is killing me. I’m pooped.

Yesterday I said that “some people think they know everything, but really don’t know jack”
Today, I’ll agree with yesterday’s assessment

Most of these online job applications are 
 tedious and annoying. Maybe I’m unemployable?

Is it tomorrow yet? A day full of baloney.

So sick and tired of the partisanship surrounding covid. Businesses can be open. Schools can be open. Just wear your masks when you are within 20 feet of someone and don’t hang out in large crowds. It’s not that difficult and there are plenty of “normal” things to do,

When we have a reliable vaccine and readily available theraputics, you’ll be able to get back to normal. If some don’t want to because of their health or fear or risk tolerance, so be it. They can stay in.

She is still itchy after three weeks - we need to figure this out.

so close to deleting facebook