Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)


Dear Big Pharma: stay the course and do not cave in to pressure. Dear FDA: remember your mission and donā€™t swerve from it. The scientific community hopes you will do what is RIGHT not what is demanded of you.

And while we are at it, yay STORM!!! And yay WNBA. No Covid breeding ground. Just common sense and great basketball. Congrats to all WNBA ladies and coaches.

Donā€™t announce loudly and repeatedly to everyone in earshot that the good looking woman behind you definitely qualifies for todayā€™s over-55 discount.

Nope. Itā€™s just not worth discussing with you. Iā€™ll take the high road instead.

Thanks to my favorite K9 team for resuming their Instagram feed. I missed you.

I feel fortunate to have my job, however, I wish I could get paid my full salary for staying home another six months too. I wish my son (who is getting 1/5 of his salary and has to job hunt) could get the same deal. Instead, I get to be the taxpayer who funds it.

And this is my luck. My broken boiler? Repair guy comes. The low water sensor is broken. It has a 2 year warranty. When was it installed? 9/28/18 I kid you not.

No way that supposedly young poster knows that much about colleges at 18. No way.

Tire of waiting for people to do their jobs. Why canā€™t they just answer without requiring a call, text and emails to be reminded.

Really? You lost not just my documents but my brotherā€™s too? The ones that had to be notarized that you wouldnā€™t accept copies of? The ones that we have confirmed delivery of? All the while you are deducting a ā€œmaintenance feeā€. I call BS.

I wear a mask, I stay miles away from other people, I wash my hands, I rarely go to stores and try to be very careful and keep a distance. What do I get? A cold. A bad cold. I have none of the covid 19 symptoms, but all of the common cold ones (yes, I know the common cold is a covid virus).

Yes, I know it is wrong to laugh at someone elseā€™s misfortune.

But when my neighbor, who had the large princess birthday party for his 8 year-old daughter with all the pizza, pink birthday cake, sparkles, etc. that goes with it, in defiance of local ordinances prohibiting large gatherings, comes out the next morning to find all the party leftovers smeared all over his brand new white car courtesy of the local racoons, I laughed. Really, really hard. Karma and all that.

If I was a mean person I would have taken photos and posted them to Twitter and Instagram with some colorful commentary and let posts go viral. But I am not that mean. Admittedly thought about it for a few seconds but no, not that mean.

You said the precedure was at 9:00 AM and that it would take an hour. And then heā€™d rest for a half hour or so and weā€™d leave. So why did we arrive at 8:30 and not leave until 2:15?? I hate hospitals.

Was interviewed for a position last year. Told that it was a really difficult choice but they went with the younger, fast-talking, slick option (my description based on having known this person professionally for years). I knew heā€™d screw them over. They wouldnā€™t get what they thought they were getting and heā€™d leave before they had a chance to fix it. I must be a fortune-teller. Got the call this week to see if Iā€™d like the position that is now ā€œsuddenlyā€ available again. Actually yes, I would like it. They could have saved themselves six months had they seen through the flash back then.

Dear Deer,
We canā€™t afford to keep feeding you our expensive bird feed. Yes itā€™s cute to look out our window in the middle of the night and see you eating from the feeder, but it is just not really OK.
Next year we will do this better.

I hate cancer.

To my Sā€™s AMAZING private Catholic high school. You are doing an incredible job educating these boys in light of COVID. You have every safety precaution under the sun in place, yet every week each team is still able to be in person all day, have sports and the best sense of normalcy that can be had during these times.
The remote week is as if the boys were in the classroom. Live classes, they see all of their classmates and teacher. Dress code still in place.
You are the biggest rockstars in our life and we are blessed every day that our son attends. Thank you!!

I cannot believe I wasted 2 HOURS of my life today dealing with health insurance and prescription coverage incompetence.

And no, youā€™ve covered this medicine for TWO YEARS now, why are you now suddenly suggesting the doctor should just change to one of a different medicines you suggest?? These are heavy duty Rxs, you donā€™t just switch up a med like this on a whim!

We know you opened the life insurance claim file because my friend received the paperwork, called for several clarifications, wrote down agentā€™s name, and mailed in all required documentation. Following up 3 months later, you have no record of the claim and the person she talked to doesnā€™t work there any more. Right.

Luckily she has copies and is happy to email or fax everything again. No snail mail this time, despite your request. Kind of took you by surprise, didnā€™t it? This claim is legit and you WILL pay itā€¦