Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I need to stop myself from typing the text I really want to send him.

Today, I attended the FB live wedding of a wonderful young woman who I met on cc more than 10 years ago but whoā€™ve Iā€™ve never met in real life and bawled like a baby. Love means all, yā€™all.

Dear Siblings, please have the ā€œYou need to stop drivingā€ talk with our parents. They know how I feel about this, we have talked about it just recently. You both decided on a surprise visit for Momā€™s birthday this weekend so while you are there please let them know how you feel. Yes, this is a difficult conversation but please donā€™t wimp out. Itā€™s time.

My state is split today- one big football team was victorious and one lost in 4 overtimes.

OMG! Funniest thing Iā€™ve read all day - Superdope!

SNLā€™s Weekend Update was the best one in ages.

Poor man wants to be rich

Rich man wants to be King

The King ainā€™t satisfied til he rules everything

That was the first funny SNL opening monologue in years.

Iā€™m struggling to believe that wasnā€™t deliberate signalling you arenā€™t an ally.

We reap what we sow. Every single one of us.

Rafaā€™s win was the juice I needed for the weekend! Always an admirer - bravo!

Thanks to Costco Visa - They came through and are paying the over $300 charge to fix my ipad. I only had it 13 months, and it is/was in pristine condition, but just stopped working.

Glad you made it off the roof in one piece.
Please universe let them get a full price offer on their house in the next few days.

Ugh, itā€™s kind of scary to get a note in your mailbox from your new paper delivery guy and realize itā€™s someone you know from church. Why is he having to deliver newspapers?? Heā€™s not a kid, heā€™s probably almost as old as I am. :frowning:

Why do I torture myself every week thinking that you will play well, only to watch you lose again?

Am I the only one who feels a moment of stress just reading ā€œStocking Stuffersā€? Canā€™t deal with that right now in the middle of October. :sunglasses:

Why oh why are you celebrating your elderly, ill parents, going to a football game? OMG! Weā€™re in the middle of a pandemic! They are in the very very highest risk group. I really need to get off FB otherwise Iā€™m going to think half my friends are idiots.

Insert righteous indignation here.

Details too complicated to post.

Goodbye Coach and GM. Maybe the team can now win a game?

Parenting is just basically still teaching your son to aim for the Cheerios while you potty trained him. 18 years later and he still seems piss all over things, metaphorically (if literally thatā€™s his problem, I donā€™t clean his bathroom).