Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You’re always a little preachy but lately you’re coming off a little passive aggressive- what happened to your be nice be kind messages?? Oh…that doesn’t apply to YOU!

Voted today. That felt good.

Okay, I need to unpack my emotions here…
I wish that level of admiration, awe, empathy, and compassion was felt and expressed for ALL women, poor women, struggling women, women working for minimum wage, women working 2 or more jobs, single mothers and care givers, struggling households, families with limited income and access to resources, mothers of children with special needs, households that are economically hurt because of this pandemic, etc!
What about the mothers who made it to the border with their children? Only to be traumatized again!
This is not an attack by any means but …WHY DOES THE TEMPORARY OR ANY DISCOMFORT OF PRIVILEGED WOMEN MAKE THEM SUPER HEROS AND GARNER SO MUCH ATTENTION? I know why! Because THEY are not supposed to experience hardship! It is for the other people! (Inserting my BIG smh emoji here !)

Precursor to my post above. I think I was so hot I was discombobulated for a minute and didn’t post in its entirety :wink:

You want to know how she & the hubs can “manage 2 full time professional careers and at the same time take care of a large family ?” He also said he bets that there are many young women, including his daughters, “who marvel at the balance she has achieved between her personal and professional life.”

I get more and more depressed and infuriated as I see such large gatherings continue with no regard for public safety. It is criminal.

Since March I carried countless neighbors of yours down stairs, many in body bags, others gasping for air. Is it to much to ask that you wear a mask?

What about the people who are THERE mask-less? Do they NOT have a mind of their own? Somehow, watching that rally, I couldn’t stop thinking of Jim Jones and his followers. Citizens of this great country or members of a cult? Wear a mask !!! Soooo easy. Wear. A. Mask. So simple !!

All these yard signs are ruining our morning walks. I try looking at the sky instead, but that is how I tripped on a curb last week and hurt my knee. What are you really trying to say?

Macho Man? Really?

You’re positive and you’re there without a mask? How is that not a crime?

Meeting with BIL and his wife cancelled because “too many” of the family of the wedding couple have COVID. Who could have predicted?

Dear good friend, you know we sit on the opposite side of the political aisle, and I’ve asked you many times not to discuss politics. Tonight was a disaster. You know I have a massive problem with 1 politician in particular because his policies have caused me direct and personal harm. I asked you 3 times to please drop the subject, but you wouldn’t. What were you trying to accomplish?

I was listening to your interview and it was really insensitive to give all the credit to your mother who took care of you for first 20 years and none to sacrifices of your angelic wife who stood by you for last 35 years so you can follow your ambitions. I hope she didn’t tune in.

It is so difficult as the parent of a grown up to watch your child suffer and not have a way to really help her.

She is doing a terrible job. Couldn’t they have had someone else do this? It’s so important … the sharpest tool in the shed should have been brought out to do this job.

Had a “skip in my step” because I went ahead and applied for a great job that I’m well-qualified for. It would allow us to move closer to our extended family now that we are empty-nesters and don’t have any compelling reason to be here, the kids’ lives have moved on. I was excited by the quick interview request, then discovered there is an inside candidate. So, chances are, my application makes it look like a competitive search instead of the almost “done deal” it likely is. I will do my best to show I am the best candidate for the job, but realize that is an uphill climb.

S21’s gf’s parent tested positive yesterday. Fingers crossed the gf tests negative today.

And…less importantly in scheme of things (but still irksome), S never directly told GC that he is applying SCEA!!!

So a quick email to her this morning. Sigh. Hope she can get the GC letter completed by then. And done well. But I don’t blame her for probably being irritated by my S. (Bc I sure am.)

So much for me trying to be less involved in this process.

This is not political, but rather philosophical. The framers intended to leave certain people out of the “all men” to whom they guaranteed rights. So when someone states that they believe in following the intent of the framers, are there caveats? If so, how do they justify picking and choosing those caveats, while not entertaining the value of other issues?

An extremely rude realtor sent me an email asking for my real phone number. She had my real number, only it is a landline, maybe she’s never heard of one of those. Or she doesn’t know how to use a phone to actually talk instead of texting!

Whew! After attempting to vote at two different polling locations on the first day of early voting, my third try a)had plenty of parking b)did not have a line going for blocks down the street, and once inside, only a 5 minute wait!! So relieved. Didn’t want to test my patriotism with a five hour wait.