Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Waiting on pins and needles!

21 days

I don’t understand some people. Who continues to go to work in an office setting when their dh has tested positive for Covid? And now, she’s positive. And the boss didn’t tell anyone! It’s no wonder cases in that state are off the charts.

FaceBook - WTH? Why am I seeing posts from a whole lot of people I have unfollowed? I did that for a reason. Also, the posts only show up on my phone and not when I open FB on my laptop.

Nope, you can’t have an open flame, propane tank patio heater underneath a tent.
Yep, that’s the code. It protects people from themselves.

I accepted a wine tasting event without much thought about it. I then got a delivery of 3 bottles of wine. When I looked up those wines on the internet, I found out each bottle was close to $100 each. Now I feel like I have to show up. Hmm.

The stress of the next few weeks is going to kill me–why have I cut back my wine drinking, and why are there no snacks in this house???

I’m sad for both of you. I hate that all the issues going on in our country have taken such a toll on your relationship. I hope that you both and our country can heal. I hope it’s not to late for all of us.

What did you expect?

Ugh, Dad, please stop emailing me nonsense about COVID. :frowning:

Time to rethink the decision to cut back! The good news is…once it’s over, it’s over. Or is it?

ETA - and I definitely smell a ‘krysa’

Sometimes this place makes me laugh out loud. Literally.

painters coming in morning, never realized how many switch plates, outlet covers, vent cover, nails in walls, blinds that need to get removed☹️

Thanks for proving me right!!! I was holding out hope that I was seeing things incorrectly. That you aren’t just you were doing exactly what I suspected. Hey, It’s good to be right. Go Me.

Great award acceptance speech, Billie. ?

My boss has tested positive for COVID. Fortunately, she has been on vacation and I have not been around her in the last 12 days. Many of her traveling party are now sick.

And my 84-year-old mother who recently had a pacemaker is in Las Vegas. It’s so hard to dodge the germs!

Ugh, why have a public meeting if the Board has already made up its mind? Sure, ignore what almost every professional engineer is saying to you.

MTA: At least you said you won’t move forward with the proposed amendment unless every professional engineering association in the state is on board with it. That surprised me! :slight_smile:

I want to support you but your Facebook posts are so full of mistakes and abbreviations. I think that sir real was surreal and I get spell check but really? Ouch

I am so glad you received the box of old photos and had a chance to send me a letter but I am so, so sad that we did not get to have lunch before you left us :frowning:

I am not a pet person. I liked the dachshund we had when I was small named Schnitzel, but not other dogs we had. I have never really loved a dog until my D & SIL got their golden doodle a little over 5 years ago. Now he is sick and I am so worried and heavy hearted for them. Either a liver infection or cancer according to the vet. They are trying antibiotics to cure the possibility of an infection, but he is not responding well. Don’t want to break down talking to D about it because they are so worried and stressed, but I have cried about this off and on for the last 24 hours and needed to just release my stress, so here I am. He is such a sweet dog and he has been so good with the baby even though she has turned his world upside down since arriving in March.