Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Only in 2020 would “probably just lymphoma” qualify as good news, but we’ll work with it.

The day started out well. A good exercise class, avocado toast for lunch. It went downhill when I opened the peanut butter chocolate chip cookie package, one cookie turned into 6! That is why I can’t buy these things!

I know ‘reality’ tv isn’t real, but gosh, the numbers quoted on Brother v Brother LA last night aren’t even close. It doesn’t take much sleuthing either to find this info.

Isn’t there at least ONE stupid organization that isn’t being overtaken by political cr*p? All I want to do is enjoy my hobby with no lectures about anything. Losing it.

Gonna start my own club–with my own rules–

  1. we’re here to enjoy doing “x” and everyone is welcome and
  2. behave yourselves. And don’t tell me you don’t understand what that means. I don’t give definitions.

    I don’t like lectures I don’t need and I don’t expect to give any.

It’s like night and day. Go get it girl.

deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie

I am going to get my teeth cleaned tomorrow.
Who knew that could bring me so much happiness. I really wanted a first thing in the morning appointment because I am very nervous about COVID, but at this point I will take what I can get.

(Longer version - My dentist retired and sole his practice. He was going to work part time for the new practice but found out he had cancer so fully retired. Then COVID hit. So the new practice is WAY behind. I’m an every six month cleaning kind of gal, and it’s been over a year now. I know I’m taking a risk going, but I’ve decided it’s worth it).

Got new countertops in. Better than the old ones but I’m not really loving them. They pulled the new stainless steel sink that I had ordered out of the box and discovered it was damaged. I had inspected it but missed this small but important part of it. Had to buy another sink “off the rack.” Cost $100 more than the first one. Only option had too many holes for the faucet that I ordered, so I had to get a new faucet “off the rack” for another $100. Plumber totally botched the sink install. Told me the clips wouldn’t work so he just put a bunch of caulk under it. I installed the clips myself tonight and scraped off the caulk that he got all over everything. I am getting too old to DIY, but I hate to pay people who don’t do as well as I could do myself. And I’m a woman who had never installed a sink before. Would have been 100 times easier before he hooked up all the stuff underneath. Lazy bum. He just didn’t want to do it.

Ok I read that and had to bake cookies. I blame you, internet! :slight_smile:

Interesting that you are now a fan of masks.

New desk from Wayfair arrives 2 weeks after ordering. No screws or hardware in box.
Not cool?

Thirteen years of maintenance on our heating system and you didn’t catch what every HVAC professional says was obvious??? Even at the point when the problem would have been obvious to professionals (wet filters and the sounds of water running)–you said it was the “nature of our system to run wet.” We discovered the problem only when it was too late–a disastrous flood. I now have a six-figure repair bill–essentially replacing the entire HVAC system.

You are such an ass.

Heard a cough behind me in the supermarket ( maybe 20 feet away), then another. The elderly man was definitely sick. I ran in the opposite direction. Quick. Numbers are rising in our area.

Why doesn’t this man have someone to shop for him?
I ran out of that store quick finally realizing exactly how this thing is spreading. Yikes. I feel so guilty I didn’t help him. But I don’t want to get sick.

Easiest thing ever. Early voting at a local DMV drive through! 15 minutes.
I VOTED!!! Every vote counts and elections have consequences.

Ugh. Back-ordered until “November.” That’s not very specific. Can’t you do a little better than that???

Wake me up when it’s over.

Dr. who gets results on Thursday (not even late) and then takes Friday off so will call me “most likely” on Monday… whack whack whack. Not like everyone in my family isn’t stressing out over the report or anything like that…

Dear election volunteer, when I asked for a pen that you hadn’t touched, replying “But I’m wearing gloves” didn’t reassure me. You had those same gloves on as pens were passed back and forth all morning. By noon they were only protecting your fingers.

You got on an elevator in a hospital with other people in it, and refused to put your mask on? And you were coming from the cancer treatment floor, so either you or your wife were vulnerable. Not to mention the pregnant woman in the elevator.What kind of moron are you?