Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m seeing most options of having some sort of holiday get together with extended family slipping away. I’m sick of hearing “covid fatigue” - natural and logical consequences people. No one to blame but “ourselves”.

I wish we’d seen the birthday zoom invitation because we would have liked to have gone to the party. Maybe a little more notice would be helpful?

Ballots safely extracted from the mailbox. ? wine and vote party tomorrow. Yay!!

Thanks KCLS for working with my city to ensure the ballot box is outside the construction fences.

Watching Rick Steves on PBS makes me feel melancholy; I missed traveling this year. 2021 or ‘22, I hope to be back in Europe. If the worst happens, it will be via getting my UK citizenship (thanks Mom!), but I hope it’s normal travel.

Way to go, CDC! We need you!??

Watching “The Way I see it” on MSNBC. It is Pete Souza, the White House photographer, view of Obama. There are some great pictures of Obama and other Presidents. The most priceless comment was from his mother when he told her that he wanted to be a photographer, “Oh my, you want to be a photographer after 4 years at BU?” As a mom, I could definitely relate to that. :slight_smile:

After today, I realized I need a vacation. A glass of Riesling on the deck will do for now, but I NEED A VACATION!!!

rounding the corner??? more like going in circles, like a dog chasing its tail

I wouldn’t wear that outfit to the gym. You wore it to work.
Either I am just getting old, or that was kind of inappropriate - I’m not sure which.

I mostly like the people on my block. We have some very kind and helpful neighbors. The exception are two families who live across the street from each other. Both are inconsiderate - doing things like having workman making noise every day starting at 8 am. Now one has a big trump flag hanging from their tree right across from the other who has Biden and BLM lawn signs.

I wore braces in my 20s. I now have 1 bottom tooth that’s a little crooked.
I went to a new dentist yesterday, and he said it would be $5,000 to fix it via invisilign. “We fix the entire mouth - not just one tooth.” I get that, but wow I was hoping for less.
That doesn’t count the two crowns (or caps?) that he recommends I consider because I very old silver fillings and you can see where my teeth might crack around 2 of them. (I agree with his assessment, and the hygienist is from my old office, and she told me that was a likely recommendation - he’s not just recommending needless procedures).

I don’t think my dental insurance will cover crowns before the tooth breaks, and I’m almost positive they won’t cover invisilign.
I’m going to call the ortho I used for my son’s braces (10 years ago, but they are still in business), and see if they can give me any kind of discount).
I wasn’t planning to start my retirement with a huge dental bill.

Hello, we’re in North Jersey. It’s Taylor Ham!!!

Those that make bargains with the devil should not be surprised when they are burned. It just really surprises me who seems to be surprised. ?

I’m so grateful to the young man on the emergency crew at the Gas company. He identified the gas leak and fixed it as well.

A mystery box of beer? You bought a mystery box of beer? Why?!

Wear your damn mask!!!

Why do you take offense at the smallest things? I mean, they’re not even things … you make them things. And I had given you a compliment not two hours before. I’m getting really tired of this dynamic. I must be triggering to you. Do I remind you of your mother or something?

About the time I was going to give this place the benefit of the doubt, the egg came out and began schooling the chicken. No thanks. I was right the first time. Only the grave heals the hunched back, as my grandfather used to say.

I don’t know what to believe anymore; I feel so fatigued and fearful, and thats Putin it mildly.

OMG broken arm in February and now it looks like I may need hip replacement surgery. 2020 be gone!