Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

As we cannot comment here, I think another button might be helpful - maybe a ‘hug’ or a best wishes, or something similar, ‘like’ doesn’t quite cut it when it is evident someone needs a cyber hug.


Users have been using the helpful button on this thread for that purpose.

Am thankful for so much, and apparently, emotional, too:

S21 finally finished his final draft of his Common App essay. (When I last read it a few weeks ago it was two time’s too long.)

I read it once. I slowly read it again. I cried.
It was good. Really good. And it just made me happy, sad, nostalgic, and hopeful all at once.

We all have some really great kids and I feel like I’m truly invested in all of them. They can do so much not just for themselves but more importantly for this society (and world) and I’m so excited and reassured by them and their efforts.

Grr… It’s only because I love H that I won’t say a word about this, but FIL, your bragging about taking so many undersized fish of a species that is limited to one per day in order to try to bring it back for all to enjoy is making me steam inside. I wish you would get caught, but you know you won’t be. You’re well aware that they mainly check launch areas and you have your own place. You think you’re so smart and “great,” getting what you want because you want them. I think you’re scum not caring at all about anyone except yourself.

I’m really, really glad that so many of your thoughts/beliefs are not shared at all by H. I hope the same is true with BIL.

Kudos to the Health Department. That place was a real Covidistan and deserved to be busted. ?

I’ve enjoyed some of your novels but the quality of intel you are getting from your (formerly) inside sources has deteriorated rapidly the last few years. They are using you and costing you credibility. If I can see that why can’t you?

Every single day it seems there are noisy yard machines going.

The new Trader Joe’s in our area is now open!!! Yoo Hoo!!! No more 15-mile drive to get my soy creamer. Life is good.

What malarkey that a grant application cannot be saved at any point in the process. I was one attachment away from submission when our wi-fi wavered and POOF page froze and could not submit and had to start over.

(could not copy and paste either! Luckily I had screen shots of the info and a side Word document I was working from…holy he_l!!! )

Got a delivery of heating oil today. $1.80/gallon. Wow! I guess we won’t be burning wood this winter. :slight_smile:

all remote next 2 weeks, idiot aka principal tested positive

Everybody please vote (like your life depends on it)!
And don’t forget to wear your mask…

This trip to visit the in laws is taking forever. So much construction. 14 hours in, and still a half hour to go. At least the weather will be good for our outside, socially distanced, masked visit.

Yeah, there are just certain things you shouldn’t do on Zoom calls. ?

Am I the only one who looks at backgrounds of photos? On real estate sites and on other people’s facebook photos? Maybe.

At least you were here only to repair the garage door and not something inside. Being in the garage with you was more than enough. I kept opening whichever door you weren’t working on just to keep some fresh air flowing. I appreciate that you were on time, did the job efficiently and didn’t over charge. I just wish you’d worn a mask like your employer promised, but wasn’t too surprised given what seems to be the new normal here. Really folks, it’s not over yet.

14 days

I really hate new rules. You just make it up as we go.

Biting my tongue and venting here because lately H has been defensive about even anticipated criticism. He’s a good man, but his hearing impairment and failure to wear hearing aids (which he says don’t do any good) are driving me around the bend.

Honey, I told you the boxes in the mud room were return items and I needed new ink for our printer before I could print their return labels. You acknowledged but probably didn’t really hear me or were distracted. This morning I printed the labels and couldn’t find the stuff to return. Turns out it’s all in the big garbage cart. So much for that refund. Grrr…

This is the difference between my husband and I.

We get our absentee ballots.

I open mine, look at it, fill it out and drop it off at the township clerk office. Two weeks ago.

His, it has sat on the counter unopened for 3 weeks.

Story of our relationship