Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Probably would have been better if I hadn’t dipped the new headset in my coffee while struggling to remove the plastic wrap packaging on it.

I believe I just shut the door on our mayor. I had to go outside to drop a bill in the mailbox and he was coming up the steps. He said “Perfect. Please hold the door.” I responded “I’m sorry. I’m not allowed to let anyone in.” Tis true. Policy is to not let anyone without a visible ID badge in. At least he responded “I understand” and went into the public entry door. And he was wearing a mask (so it could have been someone else, but I’m pretty sure it was him), so kudos for that at least.

If you bait me with insults on a friend’s FB page in an attempt to start an argument, don’t pout when I purposefully bite and then publicly school you on facts that are common sense to everyone but you. You opened this can of worms. Now you can eat those worms, all of them, in public.

Sorry, Mr. very rightwing conspiracy theory poster (former) friend- but when you got really ugly on your page and then posted a photo of your grandson in what looked like a photo playing behind bars on a jungle gym or something, it really did look like he was in a border detention center!!

Just off the phone with S18. He met with his advisor this morning who told him that he can likely graduate a semester early given the work he’s put in to earn credits to date at school.

Still many details to come together on this but I’M SO PROUD!

Not because this was a specific goal when he set out. It wasn’t. Not because he’s ahead of schedule. Don’t believe in schedules for these things. But because he was so excited to tell me, has done hard work to even put himself in the position for this possibility and is so excited to have the potential to save a semester’s worth of tuition for us.

Gonna enjoy this for the afternoon.

CC’s really losing steam when my handle appears on The Most Active This Month list.

Pretty telling when at the end of the staff meeting when everyone is suppose to share a “positive moment” and only one person shares something.

Today feels a little like a drag… need a good walk to get out of my head!

I posted last week about D’s sick dog. He appears to finally be doing better - fingers crossed! Also just found out as I was typing about dog that GD #3 arrived quickly this afternoon and they have given her my mother’s name as her middle name. My heart is full.

I am terrified when I am the most optimistic person on the room.

The TA for one of my son’s college classes acts like there isn’t a weird quarantine/zoom education thing going on. She is so rude I feel like calling up to the college and telling them I want a refund because I refuse to pay for someone to talk to my kid like that. That’s MY job and unless you pushed his big head out your…you need to chill.

(I feel so momma bear for all the kids in his small group chat. A girl was CRYING on it tonight because the TA. I dont even know her but I want to hug her).

Company memo came out at 10am today about going back to work in Nov. I got an exemption at 11. My manager tried to tell us it is time for us to show leadership. Hmm, no. Leadership means not to put your employees in harms way. I told them that I was not going back until there is a vaccine. I told my whole department they didn’t have to go in either.

When I left my office on March 13, it didn’t occur to me that I would retire before returning. These times are strange in so many ways.

I know how much you wanted that property to work. I’m proud of all the effort you put into researching financing, building another house and property values. I’m proud of how you and your H both came to the conclusion to pull out of the deal. You will find a home where your horses can live on property. I’m glad you are willing to wait for the right place. I know it goes against the ADHD part of you who wants it now.

Advanced technology??? Really??? Getting dental implants, the human mouth is not conducive to 2 sets of hands, hammers and screw guns. HOLY OUCH!!!

You go boy. You got this. Tick tick tick…gone

Let’s all go get ice cream!!! Double scoops!

I’m so glad you made it through tonight and did well. Still holding my breath, though.

Being in the sandwich generation stinks. Days after my 26 yr old daughter is finally feeling OK (after a month of being sick), my 89 yr old father is admitted to the hospital. Well, it can’t be Covid, he survived that in the spring.

Im only asking for old transcripts here. Verified electronic signature not good enough. Okay, well, I printed it out, signed it and scanned it back in. Now they want me to do it all over again because the e signature is in the box and I had to sign below it. Well after it was verified and validated I cant remove it and have to redo the whole pdf file and reprint, sign and rescan again. Seriously annoying. I get they are trying to protect my data but they cant prove my handwritten signature is really me either.

Please, let this end well for the majority of people.