Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

It’s interesting to watch someone’s barbiturates’ wear off right in front of you. Seeing them go from relatively sedate and passive to ramping up is a trip. I hope the others in the room saw it too. It really proves how drugs can change someone.

If you don’t know what you’re talking about, maybe you shouldn’t say anything?

Bad idea to be shown an apartment by the tenant who is also the listing realtor.

I will not say it, I will not say it. Sitting on my hands wanting to SCREAM!!!

So I really screwed that up. Hope she forgives me.

How can anyone sincerely believe that? Seriously.

People say I have a drinking problem

I say I have no problem drinking at all

I wish you would stop “sharing” statements on FB that have no author attached to them . Don’t you wonder if you are sharing things written by Russian bots.

So…the AARP magazine arrived and Bruce (that Bruce) is on the cover. Now I know I’m old!

Go Blue!

Just Go Blue!

How can anyone concentrate right now?

Between pandemic and election stress and everyone’s unique individual stresses I seriously think our entire country is just crawling through each day right now.

deleted for privacy reasons

Doesn’t your wrist hurt from constantly banging the same drum?

Looks like fall weather is moving in. The next couple of seasons are going to be tough.

Mall Santas and elves. Seriously.

So, how does her weight compare to that of a duck?

  1. This site is so frustrating now with the screen jumping around so that I might accidentally touch the ad. If I wanted to go to Lending Tree, I’d go on my own.
  2. So it’s ok for you to go to a non distance, non mask lunch, but not ok for us to go masked and distanced to the grocery store two days in a row?

I cannot believe that my FB feed is a constant stream of unmasked get togethers of people who are “being safe”. And we live in a very compliant state/area. Everyone jus thinks, “Oh i’t only one small get together, it’s not like I’m going to a huge rally”. But the CDC is saying that these small gatherings are where the virus is spreading.

Am I the only one who understands this??

In the before times it was sometimes satisfying to say “I told you so.” Not so much now as our county’s infection rate has climbed into the red zone and COVID is rampant in one of our nursing homes. It is spreading through a high school athletic team, as well. I feel like some of this infection could be due to the many people who traveled out of state two weeks ago for fall break because they were just so tired of the virus and needed a break. Sigh…

While I didn’t think they should be playing, those helmet stickers were wonderful to see! (whispering, Go Blue!)