Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Jets stink, Giants stink, Thank God for Rutgers football

Christmas is going to be different this year. I normally do a fair amount of on-line shopping, but I at least get inspiration from shopping around the mall, etc. Now the kids better send lists early so I can watch for on-line sales.
Actually, we are more likely than ever to go with substantial (for us) cash gifts and fewer presents.
One member of our family particularly likes getting lots of gifts (they don’t have to cost a lot), so it’s going to be interesting.
All of our “kids” are out of college, so this is definitely a 1st world problem
 maybe it’s more my problem than theirs - I enjoy hunting around and finding things I think they will really like.

I find it interesting (and sad) that when a woman in charge says or does something that men are saying & doing, it’s the woman who gets lambasted. Even by other women. No, we have not come that far.

Why are you always so preachy?? I think I know why you don’t have many friends.

Unbelievable!!! Overtime. Aaaaaaccck!

New Jersey is most hated state. I kind of take pride in that.

Haters going to hate, hate, hate

Ugh, it’s already getting dark so early and it will be even worse after the time change next week. It’s funny, I don’t mind the cold in Maine but the long nights are getting tougher every year for me.

Arggh. Rock chipped the windshield. Hope the glass place can fill it, as a replacement is $$$$$$

Watching the stock market tank. Priorities are so bass ackward.

24 inches of snow not enough to put out the fires. 2020 just keeps giving and giving.

I am too afraid to be optimistic right now

Another redesign? SMDH

It’s good that your fee is based on square feet and not time. I’ve sent back multiple corrections in the past few weeks, some more than once. Most of your errors could have been caught before you sent me the plans if you’d only paid attention and asked yourself if things make sense. Also, don’t change things arbitrarily. This is not your house.

I cannot apply for approvals and permits until you finish your job. I’ve been understanding about delays, then politely tried to light a fire under you, but next time I won’t be polite. The builder has been included in all emails, so he knows who is holding up the project. If you care about repeat business from him, don’t tick off his clients.

Tears. For fears.

That tweet though. The sickening arrogance of it.

whatever happened to co-equal branches?

Please always think of those who paved the way for you. Without them, your would be washing dishes and ironing pillowcases instead of being where you are now.

Wish I could buy the shirt that UofSC is giving out to students who test - “the pandemic isn’t over just because you’re over it.”

Everyone is tired of it and stressed and if our numbers and Europe’s are any indication, we aren’t anywhere near the end. That sentiment needs to be repeated everyday. Wear your mask!

He is the embodiment of the Yiddish word “putz.”

The closure is coming, says the health department inspector.

I guess we can all eat cake.