Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Oh, neighbor who was trying to be so nice and polite to me by offering to hold the door into our condo building. I’m neurotic about Covid so I nicely said that I’d get it and you should go on ahead. How glad I am! As we are standing outside (maskless but I kept a distance…I was only taking a walk outside), you let me know your son who lives with you is being tested for Covid because he is sick and several of his classmates have it. Shouldn’t you be isolating? How about wearing a mask when you leave your house, even though you are outside, because you don’t know if you will come into close contact with someone by mistake?

But I can’t criticize you too much. You work in a school, and your job requires you to have close contact with children (can’t social distance). Your employer is requiring you to come back to work tomorrow unless your son has a positive Covid test, even though he has clearly been exposed and you are his caretaker. Hope the test is accurate!

Well, thank goodness our Gov has just issued a statewide mask mandate to end confusion among counties and visitors. Everyone is to wear masks all the time (except when dining, of course). Hope that helps keep our numbers low, especially as we open more and more to tourists.

I’m sad that H’s 76 year old cousin who has been living a very healthy life (teaching multiple Tai chi classes daily for decades, growing and eating own veggies), had a severe stroke, emergency surgery, isn’t doing well and was just taken off life support. She was a nice person and H is understandably upset.

Today at the dog park I was sitting at a picnic table by myself, watching my dog play with other dogs. Some guy comes into the dog park with his Wendy’s dinner and sits down at my table with me! Didn’t ask, no mask, and it was obvious he was planning to stay. When I said we needed to stay 6 feet apart because of Covid, he just stared at me like I had 10 heads. Obviously I left. But really?

On a nice note, a charity owns a condo in my building and uses it for families of children getting cancer treatments. That family is going home tomorrow as the boy with cancer just finished his last treatment today. I saw the family tonight and the boy told me that seeing my dog play outside every day made him happy for a little while every day and made his time here better. Here’s to hoping that boy gets strong very soon and experiences joy every day for many, many years to come.

I don’t care if it was only done to pander to suburban women - rolling back the absurd 2013 rule that caused dishwashers to run for 2 hours without cleaning dishes, and replacing it with one that would allow dishes to actually get clean without major pre-wash in 1 hour is my kind of regulatory reform.

How did we get so divided? Feeling sad this morning, a little helpless and not sure we can turn it around. :frowning:

I probably suffer from anxiety. Who doesn’t these days. Yes, I might be above average on the anxiety scale, but I can’t help it. No, I won’t talk to a therapist. What is the point. Yoga and exercise are better for me. Stop!!!

OMG I’m going to lose my mind! Why do you need to talk to everyone on speaker phone and even then, talk SOO loud! I am on another floor of the house with a door closed and you still sound loud as a trumpet!!!

(thank you this thread for being a sanity escape today)

Welp. Governor has closed us.

String of expletives.

Help is coming? Sure it is.

How are our people going to survive?

Don’t even tell me this is “necessary” and throw a pity party for us.


For the love of Jesus… The sky is not falling.

OMG… They accepted the offer. If this goes thru he will have done the ‘impossible’…purchased a house in one of the absolute most expensive real estate areas anywhere. And he did it 95% by himself.

So amazingly proud.

I want to do my volunteer job tomorrow. It’s important. Hurricane/Tropical storm- GO AWAY

Uh, ok, you eat all sorts of sausage, cheap hot dogs, and kielbasas, etc, practically daily but won’t try/touch Spam while looking at us disdainfully because it’s mystery meat and you don’t know what’s in it?

Kinda reminds me of when our kids were young and we hosted a Fall Festival on our farm. One mom wanted to throw away perfectly good potatoes because the young kids had been having potato races rolling them on the ground. “They’re dirty,” she said. I suppose not everyone realizes potatoes grow in the dirt just like you’re sure you know everything that goes into cheap sausage and hot dogs.

Almost half of our area is without power. Right now my block appears to be a little island with power, but we have 9 more hours of wind to go. Ugh. Please stay on… I’m not hopeful, but if I say pretty please… will that help?

Edit - I spoke too soon. H just texted. No power. Sigh…

I don’t like the guy either, but the day after day after day bashing is old.

Several suburban restaurants have declared publicly their intention to remain open to indoor dining and continue to follow the capacity limitations that have been in effect for months.

The restaurant group I work for has joined in.

Let the rebellion begin.

Gotta admit, it was fun watching you try to cover yourself after your rant about how horrible homeschoolers are and how they don’t live up to their potential, then I countered with my son who’s currently getting interviews from some very competitive residencies after finishing Summa Cum Laude at a Top something undergrad and and in the highest ranking his well respected med school offers.

“But you did it right, many people don’t.” Perhaps, but there are others out there like us who also choose what is best for the particular student, not following some sort of stereotype. I see plenty who fail to live up to their potential in public schools too - and others who go far. Ditch the stereotypes and look at the individual.

I bought a bottle of champagne and a bottle of rye for Tuesday night. Let’s see which one I open.

I’m calling in sick November 4th. It’s better this way.

Too late to mail a ballot; take it to an official drop off location. To find locations, go to

Also be patient; final vote totals will most likely not be available for days in many states. If you’re drinking, get enough for a week ;).