Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Today I followed the dog’s lead. He didn’t seem to notice it was raining at the beach. It’s too cold to go in the water, but he still tried. And he was enthusiastic as he walked down the beach with a swagger. Me, I’m just human and got drenched.

cases of body bags received today, numbers spiking, it’s going to be a long stressful winter

Argh. I know I don’t post here often, but I have to “say it here” about a poster on a completely different forum. You claim to be a teacher, and now a doctoral candidate, but you can’t put together a coherent sentence? Either you’re a big ol’ liar, or our educational system leaves a lot to be desired.

So disappointed that the numbers are going up when we should know better. Always happens when indoor dining is opened up. What a price to pay.

I always feel a little like an alien in this small town, even after twenty years, but I really felt it today…people not distancing more than a foot or two more than they would pre-pandemic in the early voting line even though the official county instructions are to distance six feet.

Then, the kicker…the officious UNMASKED election volunteer
insisting that I move up in the narrow hallway right under her nose (she was not the person taking IDs, just directing traffic). Her useless face shield did not even cover her mouth. I’m glad I stuck to my guns and wouldn’t comply. Numbers are spiking here. The thing I can’t forget is the look of incredulity when I told her I have a right to socially distance when trying to do my duty as a citizen. I’m so tired of feeling like I live on a different planet than these folks.

I know you don’t want to spend a lot, but I hope you don’t move all the way up there. It’s over an hour away on a good day and I don’t think we’ll be driving up there very often. ?

Thank goodness for great kids who help and make this quarantining SO much more pleasant. I know at 30 and 32, they’re not really “kids” but they’ll always be our kids and it has been great having them around, sharing meals and staying safe together.

Thanks D and S for watching your grandma so we could talk with the realtor/contractor and handyman about needed repairs on the rental. Thanks D for agreeing to make dinner tomorrow so I can focus on keeping my mom engaged.

Son’s absenteee ballot finally arrived yesterday morning. He filled it in and mailed it immediately. He’s 450 miles from home so dropping it off is not an option. Our state counts those that are postmarked by election day so it should be counted. I wish he had requested the ballot sooner. This kid does everything at the last possible minute. It drives me crazy - there was no reason for this.

Asking the same question over and over, even if phrased differently, will not elicit a different response.

Good grief- 3 members of our party made it in yesterday, even after the storm, as did lots and lots of the employees (looked quite full). And none of your party could show up? Not a single scheduled person or alternate? So we couldn’t do our assigned job for the elections. with the ballots. Feels like voter suppression to me.

When you live with someone for more than a day or two you definitely get to see who they are. H, I’m super glad you’re you. Don’t ever change. Normally I’d hate going home from a place with a great view and all the amenities I’d ever want plus some fun game playing. Tomorrow I’m looking forward to it.

Apparently I like table and household manners, am against poaching, am pro-green for the planet, and despise a certain news channel far more than I ever knew. I’m glad you’re on my side with all of the above or I’m pretty sure our marriage wouldn’t work. When you’re old, please don’t revert back to the way you were brought up in your youth!

Must be nice and hold tongue… repeat, repeat, repeat. One day more…

And quit describing people as “good people” because “they knew their place.” Their place is alongside everyone else! “All” are created equal by their Creator. ALL, not “some” who happen to share your color.

I had to wear gloves on my walk. I’m not ready for this yet!!!

Scam phone calls in Chinese? What is the purpose?

Thanks to this site, so far my kids are getting new Rubbermaid food containers, a fancy kitchen knife and a set of cozy sheets for Christmas. Gifts I’m sure every 19&22 year old guy will love :smiley:

Saturday night/Sunday morning is the end of daylight savings time. Fall back- gain an hour. Do we REALLY need one more hour in 2020?

It is official. The fall surge is here. Stay safe Washingtonians. Hugs.

Here comes another one. Taking 3 cats to the vet for a zoom checkup and shots. Good thing I already loaded up on every cleaning product known to man - ‘cause the cats will be literally pissed after that that visit!!!

Argh! I am sad and afraid—the CDC is going to allow cruising once again while we still don’t have the pandemic under control in the US—yikes!

Heard on the radio today that a lion (or tiger, I forget) at the Knoxville TN zoo has Covid. Literally a half mile later I saw a billboard for an animal adoption agency that said you can’t get Covid from pets. This struck me as par for the course in life right now.