Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Why on earth am I getting FB notifications from your party? I am certain I didn’t do anything that would have prompted algorithms to think that I welcome your posts.

If you didn’t want Trick or Treaters on your porch, congregating in groups of more than 2, without masks, putting their hands into the bowl, WHY did you put a bowl of candy on your porch?

And why complain about it? You set a bowl of treats on your porch and are then surprised when it attracts kids to come up onto your porch?

Just when I thought you’d grown up, I get a call from the employer you just left. You started your new job today. From the sound of the message, you didn’t actually quit your job. They called me (emergency contact) because you didn’t show up too work, and they are worried something happened to you. Glad I didn’t answer. You need to clean this one up yourself.

Well, that’s one bright spot. Thankfully.

Can’t wait for the commercials and the unwanted phone calls, emails and texts to stop. And hoping to open the champagne tomorrow, not the bourbon.

Thank you med school lad for suggesting we watch the movie Fed Up (not about politics!). It provided a lot of food for thought and will be something I suggest to fellow Bio or General Science teachers at school that they work into their classes.

I’m glad to know at least your med school spends time talking about things like this - not just fixing things afterward. Preventative health is so much better than post issue health and calories in/calories out is still often assumed to be truth.

Saw two inside Christmas trees in the neighborhood and several houses with outside decor already up while on my walk tonight. Wowser.

Officially changing my position on early Christmas decorating. Whatever works for ya.

Yea for the tiny little township with the Midnight Vote !!! They’ve got my vote.

May every vote count!

I’m surprised how nervous I am today. Add some family drama and my stress level is over the top

Today feels like one of the top 10 monumental days of my life.

Wow, being on a Board of Directors is as tough as being a moderator. Geez.

It’s only 9:58 am, I’ve been up 3 hours, and I already hate this day.

Such a jerk

“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate” ~Thomas Jefferson

arggghhhh… stress eating…

Woke up at 3:30 am. Finally fell back asleep after 5 and had one of those stress dreams, but on steroids! (The dream where I have to take a final in a class I didn’t know I was registered for, but additionally the test was illegibly hand written on little scraps of paper that kept blowing away , and I kept getting interrupted by old HS friends who happened to be in town and trying to say hello. )AARRGHH! Let us get though this day!!

I dreamed I was a famous luchadora. What does THAT mean? Then I remembered I am 58 yo and woke up.

At 6:15 eastern I decided to make better use of my time and I did an aerobics video. :slight_smile: Now back to stressing!