Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I’m so sad. And clearly I’ve been naive.

I feel nauseous. And my landlord brought me cookies for my birthday, not knowing I am doing no carb. They may be gone by morning. ?

Sad to think that character seems to count so little for some people these days.

You hit the new low

No more Ms. nice here.

Saying it doesn’t make it so.

Not to make light of others’ problems, but in my line of work; MH = manhole. I deal with manhole issues every day, I keep scratching my head wondering why people are writing about them on CC? :smiley:

I just ordered my college kid some Milk, Ducolax and Clorox Wipes via Instacart. First off , that’s quite the mix. LOL… Secondly, this is some cool ish that I can actually stuff like this for delivery to a college dorm. Times sure have changed from when I was in college. AND, thirdly, I did ALL that cause I needed a diversion from watching the news (and he needs help moving freely ). I really need sleep and I have no nails left !! Seriously the biggest nail biter I have been through. To go to sleep or might as well stay up since I’ve made it this far?

befuddled to say the least

It is rare that I say my body feels like a mack truck hit it.

deleted for privacy reasons

No, we are not in chaos. No, we are not without hope. But our leaders must pull up their big boy pants and resist saying/doing things that weaken us in the eyes of the world. Yes, we are clearly very divided … but we can figure out how to get past our issues if we commit to trying to do so.

Not sure I have ever had this much anxiety over something outside of my family/friends/immediate circle. Stomach in knots. Thankful I can “work” from home today, although I may take a few hours of sick time as concentration is tough.

Saw this from an admin in our school email:

“I have received feedback from students who feel unsafe due to political banter, racial statements, harassment, and bullying. It is more important than ever that our young (insert mascot), kindergarten through twelfth grade see us acting, talking, and representing ourselves in the best way possible. Regardless of the election outcome, at the end of the day, we are responsible for molding, shaping, and preparing the next generation of leaders for their futures. We must, in these times, ensure for our students and colleagues that our schools are a safe, welcoming, and accepting place for all.”

I really wish humans of all ages could respect and be nice to each other. If I were still at school, my classes and I would be taking some time out of the lesson to discuss life.

i’ll say it again, May every vote count

I appreciate that both my boys (teens…both learning online Bc of Covid) come out to the FR every 15 mins or so to see if any updates in vote counting. Their close interest pleases me.

I took the company wellness test before going in the office for a few hours this morning.

I’m not well. My stomach is in knots, my nerves are shattered, my mind is racing and I am exhausted.

It’s not because of Covid.

A large delivery company lost the package my employer asked me to have sent for early delivery this morning. I had to recreate the package and drive it to his house. This is the 3rd time this has happened. Annoyed.

Please let this item arrive undamaged - I’m so stressed!

You know when you hear a song in big moments of your life? Today these lyrics stood out to me,

“Keep fighting the good fight, keep letting your light shine.”