Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

It’s really hard to be a mom. The worry never stops, it just goes into hiding until it jumps out of the closet to scare me.

Hmmm. I guess people don’t like to hear the truth.

I just heard - it is over. :slight_smile:

Never underestimate the lengths a sore loser will go to!

Cheating is never right. Even if you win.

Thankful my faith is not in government or politicians. No matter how bad things may get, I know how the story ends and know the one who is in control of everything.

Okay, the Cuisinart Air fryer is a work of cooking art.

I was able to pinpoint the feeling.

It feels just like eons ago when I took finals after staying up studying all night for several nights. The tests were done. There was nothing I could do about it. Exhausted and resigned to the outcome.

Too bad, so sad that you lost your job, but I hear you can apply with the county for a job at a lower rank and pay. Ha!

OMG, the comments on that article were hilarious! Still laughing at the “dog catcher.”

Please let every vote count

I sure could use some sleep

Today is going to be a really, really, really, REALLY good day.

You still don’t get it. You can think people with different views than you are dumb, immoral and evil but it doesn’t make it true. Until you get that, you likely will be disappointed with results. Oh well.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day…

I work with idiots.

Netflix has some great Chinese historical fantasy costume soap operas. Yup I was up nearly all night watching those instead of some other things. Do I feel guilty. No. Tired maybe but not guilty. Love the costumes, sets, and CGI.

I am already mad at all the people I know who are going to be having Thanksgiving meals with more than their current household. And feeling like we are the only ones who understand the rules

This big assignment has been supposed to get assigned “soon” for the last year plus. Now it sounds like it’s coming after one person will be gone from my very small team and will literally be due on my retirement day. ARGHH!!

Wow, fascinating. My opinion of journalists has gone right down the tube after seeing how the reporter handled a story on a matter I know a lot about. You really CAN’T believe everything you read in the newspaper! The unfortunate thing is that it’s negatively impacting a person and organization that are doing amazing work. The other hard part is that I know I can’t respond at all to the attacks because it would just inflame the situation. :frowning: