Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

In AZ, we can now legally turn to drugs. Now I can back off on the alcohol.

Yay! Thanks for all that are doing the hard, mind-numbing job of counting every vote! You are our heroes of democracy!

Getting old is a good thing. Consider the alternative. Now stop complaining and take your BP meds.

Anyone else old enough to remember the Edwin Hawkins singers? Have had an earworm all day today.

My elderly dad just tested positive with Covid19 and is mildly symptomatic (cough, decreased smell). Mom is getting tested today. I’m praying (and I sent them vitamin C, zinc, etc, to do something even if it won’t do anything/much), but I confess I’m scared for them. I live 8 hours away. When do I go? Do I go? I know you can’t respond to this, but if you think of it, I’d appreciate your prayers.

Why, oh why, does my state Legislature insist on politicizing masks? I honestly don’t get it.

2020 has been a year of learning about Maricopa County, Fulton County, counties in PA, etc. I hope to learn more about the SDNY in 2021.

Pete for HoF!!! ?

It was nice to see you on the news. You look happy, and the work you are doing is admirable. It made me feel bad, though, because I know the financial burden you undertook for a degree you never completed. I hope that you are able to manage repayment without hurting your future.

So much schadenfreude!

Give it up, Mr. dog catcher. It is not even funny.

The lack of activity relative to prior application seasons is noticeable.

Anyone else old enough to remember the Edwin Hawkins singers? Have had an earworm all day today. (they sang “oh happy day” )

Yay, D, I’m so happy you’ve decided to stay in Maine for the time being! I will try not to act too excited around you. Even if you’re in an apartment in Portland, we’ll get to see you regularly. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Ronald Reagan

Oh boy - talk about a senior moment 2020 style! I went to sign on to a zoom reunion of my college sorority sisters and realized that I was an hour early. Totally forgot that the organizer is in a different time zone.

Can’t even tell H and S - they are out shopping.



Dear Atlanta, Chicago, DC, NYC & Philadelphia, please begin mobilizing free Covid testing resources immediately because the virus doesn’t care who you voted for, and jubilation is not a therapeutic

So many firsts. Congratulations.